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Play "OHMAMI" by Chase Atlantic ft. Maggie Linderman for the vibes :)

I put my car in sports mode and put it in drive, ready to win. Milli revved her engine, ready. Hwasa held a thumbs up, Milli and I returning it back to tell her we're ready. I looked to my left and saw the group. My people. My friends and family. I will win this for them.

Hwasa shot in the air, raising the green flag. I instantly reacted, slamming my foot on the gas pedal hardly. Right before I knew it, the turn was up. I lifted my foot off the gas and put my other one on the break, turning my steering wheel to the left. 

I surprisingly made the turn. Looking in my rearview mirror, I saw Milli swerve, almost not making it. I laughed to myself then picked up my pace. I was already way ahead of her so I'm not too worried...


I won, I came first, all laps. Now, we wait for the finals schedule. There's only 4 teams competing today then four tomorrow. Who ever wins today and tomorrow, face each other. So today, it's a winner racing a winner, then that winner that wins that lap faces the person who wasn't randomly selected. I know, it's confusing. 

I walked over to my family, giving Travis a big hug first, Hwasa staring from afar, smiling proudly. Once I finished giving everyone hugs, there was only one person left.... Jungkook. I walked up to him nervously with open arms. He chuckled slightly, walking into my arms, us both wrapping our arms around one another. 

The size comparison kills me. He's so tall and I'm just... Short. He looked over at our friends, making sure no one was looking before placing a soft peck on my forehead and walking away, shyly. Is this my first time making Jungkook...Shy? 


We were all in the room, watching the final race of the day. Hwasa shot into the air, the cars went zooming past her. 

Now, this is not what I signed up for. I'm going against 3 different girls who are staring at me like I'll be their dinner tonight. I might die of fear now. I got in my car, Saweetie getting in hers. The sound of her engine revving sent chills down my spine, knocking out of my thoughts. I gripped the steering wheel nervously. 

Hwasa held a thumbs up which Saweetie and I returned. She shot in the air. I pressed on the gas, got pass the turn, and won once again. Which means I'll be the finalist for tomorrows... I'll get through this.,... Slowly...

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