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Play "Slide" by Chase Atlantic for the vibes :)

My thoughts of passing out were interrupted by Hwasa placing her hands on my shoulders, reassuring me that everything's fine. But, I'm still scared shitless. Hwasa then ran off as she is the flag girl for the races. The best one yet of course. 

The rest of us went to the hang out room, getting away from everybody. We all either sat down on the floor or on the couch, watching the tv as the security cameras were on, pointing towards the race. 

Of course, our biggest rivals, Kirks gang, won. It was pretty expected though since the other gang they went against was pretty bad anyways. My phone buzzed. It was Hwasa, texting me. 


Fix your horsepower and fix it now. Quick

I did sit there confused for a few seconds but then I realized. I instantly got up, running to my garage and opening it, seeing my car inside. I grabbed my tools and got to work, hoping I could finish before my race. 

These girls, they upped their speed. On purpose, they clearly believe in threats. 


By the time I finished fixing my car, it was my turn. My turn to race. I could faint thinking about it. Jungkook came into my garage, clearing his throat to get my attention. I turned to look at him, tilting my head. 

"Time to get out there, Soph" He said as I nodded my head. I got in my car and started to drive, stopping by Jungkook. Jungkook opened the passenger side door, leaning his head in. "If and when you win, I have something for you Soph" He said, shutting my passenger side door right before I drove onto the track.

I aligned my car with the white line, the finish and start line. The other girl wasn't here yet so we waited. Hwasa came up to my car and knocked on the window. "Ma'am, you're being arrested" Hwasa said, jokingly. It made me laugh.

"Are you scared?" Hwasa asked me. Do I answer honestly... "Sort of" I replied, half honest, half lying. That's not that bad. "Do you think I can get Jungkook to dick me down tonight?" Hwasa asked. Now that question, it threw me off. 

"Is this the right time to be asking me?" I asked back, her shaking her head. Our moment of silence was ruined by a loud car pulling next to mine. When Hwasa turned around, it was Milli. Flo, Milli. The bitch who hates my guts and is a all time winner. I think I might actually pass out now..

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