Chapter 2

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Lexi noticed a couple walking toward them from the clubhouse, worry on their faces. "I think someone's looking for you."

The woman, petite and plump and probably in her late thirties, was in stark contrast to the slightly older man, tall and rail thin, with a slightly pinched look. Lexi guessed that these were the band's 'handlers.'

"Jack, what's happened to you?" the woman asked in a half concerned, half scolding voice.

"Lexi here saved my head from a good crack, but I've a scrape on my shoulder. Lexi patched me up. She's a nurse."

Suddenly feeling very exposed in her red bikini, Lexi stood, wrapping her towel around her before she gave a slightly more detailed account of the near accident. The man introduced himself as Phillip Phillips, the band's manager. Emma Wimpole was his assistant. More like den mother, Lexi suspected.

The adults noticed the bandages on Lexi's arms and voiced their concern, but she assured them that she would be fine. An invitation for cocktails and dinner at their villa that evening was accepted with pleasure.

As she watched the boys amble away up the beach, followed closely by Emma and Phillip, Lexi felt a wicked little thrill when Jack looked back over his shoulder and gave her a wink and a smile.


With time to spare before dinner, Lexi called Jenny, who was currently living at home with her parents and, more pertinently, her fifteen-year-old sister, to ask if she had heard of the band.

"Have I heard of them? Lydia plays their Vox Britannia performances on YouTube about ten times a day. You should look them up. Just don't start singing along or you might break the mirrors in your room."

"Come on, Jenny, I can't be that bad, and singing always cheers me up. Maybe I'll only crack them a little."

Jenny often complained about bleeding eardrums when Lexi sang along to any music. It had become a long standing joke between them, but Lexi had taken her friend's comments to heart, and never sang in front of others. Although... maybe it wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion.

She turned the conversation back to the band, asking her friend what she knew about the boys.

"Evidently there's Fyn who takes his shirt off a lot and that's a good thing, Ewan who's cute in a sweet way, Lukas who's a flirt, and Jack who's a total hottie. They're pretty good, actually. Why?"

"They're here. I saved one from what could have been a nasty head injury today, and I'm having dinner with them all tonight."

"Seriously? Lydia is going to be insanely jealous."

"If it's not too weird I'll try and get her autographs. So... would you consider hooking up with a twenty-year-old?"

"Oh my God, Lexi. Which one?"

"The hottie. This is going to sound completely insane, but we looked into each other's eyes and something happened. You know I don't say shit like this, don't believe in shit like this, but I'm telling you..."

"I have a feeling I should have swallowed my pride and accepted your offer of a free vacation. Damnit. Look, I've got to run, I have twenty seven poorly written papers to grade, but keep me posted, ok? And don't do anything I wouldn't do."


She assumed the boys wouldn't be wearing coat and tie for dinner at their own villa, as was expected in the dining room, but Lexi chose a simple coral linen sheath that hit above the knee. It showed off her legs and hinted at her cleavage. She was used to dressing in shapeless scrubs at work and sweats at home. It felt good to dress up a bit

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