Chapter 28

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She turned to Tom as soon as she ended the call, "I'm sorry. He... it would have been awkward if he'd heard someone else's voice. I didn't expect you back so quickly."

He sat on the gilded sofa. "It's alright. I'm sorry about what happened at midnight, it was poorly done on my part."

"Don't take all the credit or all the blame yourself. It happened. It probably shouldn't have, but it did. I don't think we need to discuss it again. Now I'm very tired and slightly cranky from being up past my bedtime. This has been, without question, the best New Year's Eve of my life. Thank you. And now I'm going to make one more trip to the loo."

When she came out of the bathroom Tom was in pyjama pants and a t-shirt, waiting his turn. Sitting with the covers pulled nearly to her chin, she waited for the moment when a man other than Jack, a man she had recently kissed, would join her in bed.


It wasn't as awkward as she had expected because he was so far away. He turned off the light, settled beneath the sheets, turning on his side to face her. She maneuvered onto her side, facing him. They lay in the dark for a few moments before both broke into laughter.

"How's the weather over there?" she asked.

"Fair. And in your hemisphere?"

"Fair. This is kind of weird, isn't it?"

"A bit. Are you comfortable? Do you need extra pillows for the baby?"

"Wee West and I are fine. I hope I won't toss and turn too much. It can be difficult to get comfortable these- " She stopped as the baby began moving noticeably. She turned on her back to feel it more easily, resting both hands on her belly.

"Lexi? Are you alright?"

"Tom, come over here. The baby's moving and I can feel it. From the outside. Come feel!"

He slid across the space between them but didn't touch her.

"Here," she found his hand in the dark and placed it, fingers spread, on her belly. "Oh, there it is again. Can you feel it?"

She heard his quick intake of breath. "That's incredible. That's... I'm at a loss for words. I've never felt a baby move inside its mother before." He was silent as the baby continued to kick for a moment. Lexi thought she heard a hitch in his voice as he said, "What a powerful thing." He slid his hand down to rest beside her but didn't move away. Turning back to her side, Lexi fell asleep just inches away from him.


Lexi felt the arm draped across her hips pulling her closer and, half asleep, pushed it off as she said, "You're a pain in my ass Jack Ripley, it's too fucking early." Then, when she heard the change in Tom's breathing, "Oh fuck."

Tom, who had been spooning her in his sleep, was now wide awake as well. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to... it's just natural when one is sleeping so close. I'm terribly embarrassed."

"It's not what you were doing, Tom. It's what I said. You heard me, didn't you?"

"I did. I won't tell a soul, I promise you."

"It's important, Tom. If it got out it could ruin his career, maybe the band's or even mine. He's so young, and he's trying so hard to do the right things. I'm sorry you had to find out."

Tom's voice was quiet and kind. "It must be very difficult. I'd assumed that the father was older, married, something like that. The press have wondered about the band, but the way you talk about them like little brothers made me think it couldn't be any of them. You've done a very good job, you know, and the world loves trying to piece together who 'Mr. Anonymous' is. You and he... you're?"

"I love him. He loves me. We spend as much time together as we can, but it's getting more and more difficult. The last time I spoke to Nigel Tavish he insinuated that after the baby is born both Jack and I will be expected to have 'public relationships' as he put it. To add interest to our public lives.

"But he can't have one of the boys being a father. It wouldn't play well with their audience. He said that if we couldn't find acceptable partners ourselves then he would find them for us. It seems so sordid, but evidently it's the business. It's hard to think about."

Tom nodded. "My marriage was, in many ways, scripted, encouraged by the people around us. We aren't private people, Lexi. Our lives belong to the studios and labels and publicists. I'm sorry you're in this position, and so soon after joining the celebrity circus. Come here?"

He held out an arm and Lexi rested her head on his shoulder, placing her hand on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair and along her cheek. "Lexi, you know I've come to care for you, and although it's still a few months away, I wonder if you would consider letting me be that person?

"Even if you can't love me, we get on well together. We appreciate one another. And although it's rather vulgar to mention, a beautiful young diva and an established and mature actor could be a winning combination for both of us. I don't expect an answer any time soon; just let the idea roll around in your mind for a while. Would you?"

"I don't have to roll it around, Tom. I began to wonder if it might be you from the moment Nigel brought it up, but I'm afraid I'll feel guilty, knowing that I won't love you the way I love Jack. I can't explain how it is with us. I felt it the first time I looked into his eyes. The baby was an accident. Desire overcame responsibility, but we don't regret it."

She raised herself to look him in the eye before continuing, "But Tom, if you really think you could be happy, or happy enough, even knowing that there's someone else, then yes, please let it be you."

She leaned forward and kissed him, softly and quickly. He held her face, their eyes meeting steadily, and kissed her back.

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