Chapter 2

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I get to my apartment in New York after spending a week with Thor in New Asgard

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I get to my apartment in New York after spending a week with Thor in New Asgard. He is still grieving over to the loss of his planet and his brother, I do have to admit that knowing Loki isn't out in the world causing mischief is an odd sensation. My phone starts buzzing violently in my pocket and I take it out. "What?" I snap just wanting to have a nap after spending the last two days away.

I hear someone a tut on the other end of the line "so much attitude and I haven't even said anything yet." A smile broadens on my face and I drop down on my sofa, kicking my feet up "I am sorry, it's been a long day." Tony Stark laughs on the other side of the phone. The billionaire barely calls me so I ask "what do you want?" There is a massive pause as though he is trying to think of what he wants to say.

"Morgan has been pestering me about you visiting, she's even gone on two sleep strikes." He says and I smile. Morgan Stark is my heathen of a God daughter, apparently it wasn't even a question when both Pepper and Tony were thinking about the options. The population being cut in half gives them less options apparently. "Two?" I say sounding impressed "and how long did they go on for?" I hear Tony huff before answering "bedtime."

This makes me laugh out loud "seriously Tony? You are letting your life be ruled by a 4 year old." I hear him mutter something on the other side of the phone. I stand up and head for my kitchen, turning on the kettle. I place the call on speaker and say "if you and Pepper want time alone, I'm happy to take her for a few days. I know your anniversary is coming up."

Pepper and Tony's wedding was beautiful, from what I saw over video call. I was still in the Amazon at the time. Tony sighs heavily "I feel bad for asking you to take Morgan all the time." I roll my eyes, making myself a coffee "firstly, when have you ever felt bad about anything." I state casually "and two, Morgan is my god daughter. Even if she is a little heathen." I hear some commotion in the background so I add "bring her down tomorrow, I'll keep her for a week."

Something crashes in the back and I pull a face. "Actually, I was thinking of taking Pepper to our house just out of state." Tony tells me as I reposition myself on the sofa "so you can come and stay here." And by here he means the little cabin he has in the woods, away from the city. I know he needed to escape for the same reasons I did, the memories associated with the city.

"Sounds good." I say clearing my throat and pushing back the tears "I'll come tomorrow morning." I end the phone call and grab the remote control for the tv turning it on and switching on Netflix. I let it play in the background as I make myself some food, humming away to myself.

Despite all the bad things that have come from the Snap, I finally have a chance at peace. There are no more threats now the entire universe has been cut in half, everyone is too busy trying to fit the puzzle pieces back together. Did we loose a lot of people? Yes of course we did, and what happened is terrible but at least they are not the ones here, struggling to make things work.

My train of thought lands on Natasha and Steve and make a mental note to drop in on them tomorrow before I head to Tony's. I am still feeling restless so I change and head for the gym to tire me out. I just feel the need to let out some emotions and the healthiest way I can is hitting the gym rather than someone.

I flex my hands and power surges up them and through my body. I sigh at the relief and head out towards the gym. It's dark now, the sun disappeared for the day and the temperature has dropped. I can see my breath in front of my face.

I turn down a dark alley and put my hood up as it starts to rain. I reach the end of the alley when I am slammed against a wall, caught off guard I throw all of my power at my assailant who crashes against the other wall with a loud thud. "Ow!" A familiar voice says and I snap my hood down.

"Barton?" I say making my way over to him, helping the guy up "what the hell are you doing here?"

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