Chapter 5

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We all sit in candle light as Serei tells us what she found out from Arishem

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We all sit in candle light as Serei tells us what she found out from Arishem. That none of us are real, we can't grow and evolve because we aren't alive. I'm honestly not surprised, after all my dealings with Arishem, I knew he was keeping something from us. I knew I was different from the other Avengers, gifts aside. The others, however seem both shocked and confused although I can't tell which is worse. "So you're saying we're basically fancy robots?" Kingo asks after the silence threatens to swallow us whole "And our past memories are stored somewhere in space?" It honestly isn't that outlandish compared to others things we know about the universe.

"And Arishem made the Deviants." Sersei explains again patiently for us. I shake my head, clasping my hands together "I'm sorry Thena." I tell my friend "You tried to warn us." She doesn't react, like the trained solider she is, betraying nothing but I know she is grateful for the apology. "The last time Arishem reset your memories, something must have gone wrong." Sprite muses gently and Kingo looks over at her "What do you mean?" He asks. "Well, that's what Mahd Wy'ry is, isn't it?" She counters "All this time, Thena was remembering all the other planets we were sent to and everyone dying during the emergence."

Gilgamesh tips a hand across his face "I thought were were heroes." He says "Turns out we're the bad guys." I place a hand on his hand and offer him a small smile. "None of us knew Gil, our memories were stolen from us." He gives me a weak smile and squeezes my hand in his. "We've helped the celestials expand life across the universe." Kingo argues from across the table "That's not what bad guys do. That's what good guys do." I shoot him a glare and retort "While killing millions of others in the process."

Sersi raises her head from looking at the table and speaks up "we have to stop the emergence." I am so shocked she agrees with me I could leap across the table and kiss her. I refrain myself however. "Sersi." Kingo says "we have no right to stop the birth of a Celestial." She leans forward ignoring him "There has to be a way Tiamut can emerge without destroying the Earth. We just have to delay it until we figure out how."

Gilgamesh, still holding my hand asks "Could Druig control its mind? Maybe put it to sleep?" It's not an outlandish theory although I doubt that he has the strength to do that, even if he is one of the most powerful in the group. "Put it to sleep?" Sprite repeats "Are you serious?" This makes Thena finally speak up as she explains "Gilgamesh asked Druig to put me to sleep once." Everyone looks at him in confusion and he laughs nervously "So I could go on vacation to Fiji, you know?" Kingo then, clearly annoyed we've gone slightly off topic, raises his voice "We're talking about a Celestial ok?"

I glare at him again and lean forward "We have to try Kin, just because you haven't got anyone you love here doesn't mean the rest of us don't ok?" Kingo then turns to his valet and in Hindi tells him to go home. While they have a moment I let my eyes settle on Ikaris who is silently pacing, he normally has something to say in these sorts of situations which is why I am confused as to why he is so silent now. It doesn't seem right. Kingo and Gilgamesh start talking about the beer when Ikaris then very dramatically says "We need to go. Now. Find the others. Once we're all together, we'll decide what to do about the emergence."

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