Chapter 32: The Storm Has Arrived

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Sometimes, those who betray and cause the most pain are those who you consider an ally. 

 The room was silent, secluded from the outside world as you clenched your jaw. Your anger erupted like a dominant volcano awakening from its slumber, ready to cause destruction. 

Your cheeks were flushed, while your facial muscles became rigid. "What is the meaning of this, Hisashi?" You slowly stood up, wiping your tears as you stared straight into his emotionless eyes. "How dare you...betray the Kamisato Clan and ruthlessly kill Ayaka?"

"It was for Inazuma--"

Your voice slowly grew louder as you interrupted him."--Inazuma this! Inazuma that! YOU murdered an innocent person! Don't you dare give me such a shitty excuse!"

"She was a darling pawn used and now discarded. Her death will not be in vain." He coldly stated, carefully observing any sort of movement you made.

"Her death shouldn't have happened in the first place!" You clenched your fists, fuming with anger. "You betrayed Ayato and the Kamisato Clan." You detested the man who thought nothing of Ayaka.

Hate was always a strong word but you hated Hisashi in the vilest, putrid, dreadful, and offensive way possible. You loathe the man standing in front of you. Every breath he took made you go insane. You would volunteer to go to the depths of hell to ensure he suffered eternally by your own two hands.  

"God may forgive you but I won't. I hate you, Hisashi." You swiftly drew your sword out of your scabbard, ready to avenge Ayaka.

He took a deep breath, amused by your loathing towards him. "In your eyes, I am a traitor, but in my master's eyes, I am loyal." Hisashi leaped towards you, making the first move. The sounds of swords clashing with one another caused your heart rate to increase. 

You managed to quickly block his blade before he took a few steps back. You rushed towards him, not waiting for Hisashi to gain his stability back. Your stance was elegant yet strategic, you were like a sakura petal floating on water.

Hisashi kept blocking your blade, he observed your bloodlust while taking a defensive stance. You mumbled, "How could you betray Ayato?"

The man scoffed, he pushed all his strength onto his sword, causing the both of you to leap away from each other. "Dearie, no one is loyal to the Kamisato Clan, including the Shuumatsuban."

The reason why no one was at the Kamisato Estate this evening was that this was...all planned, wasn't it?

Then who did these traitors work for?

What was the reason for Ayaka's death?

What was the reason for them to betray us?

Questions flooded your mind while you sped up to Hisashi, making yourself look like you were about to slash through his shoulder. He naively took the incorrect posture, placing his blade in front of his shoulder causing a detrimental opening for you to strike. 

You had merely a few milliseconds to do it correctly. He was watching every single movement from you. Any sort of facial expression or looking at his opening would cause you to fail if he noticed your plan.

But if you fail, you could die as he had the ideal chance to sever your neck brutally. 

Blood pounded inside your head, as you knew this was dangerous and brash. Nevertheless, you proceeded with this action. You quickly leaped, throwing your sword mid-air while reaching for his waist. Hisashi was too late to notice what you were doing and unfortunately fell on the wooden floor. His head forcefully crashed onto the foundation, causing his skull to bleed as you were on top of him, squeezing his neck with your hands. 

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