Chapter 36: Threads of Fate

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Friendly Reminder: The story doesn't follow the Genshin lore, while there is some accuracy, the story will be taking a different route from lore-wise. (As stated since the beginning of the fanfic) Thank you.

As the first light of dawn broke through the horizon, the world seemed to hold its breath, caught between the heaviness of the past day's grief.

The sky still holds traces of the previous day's somberness, casting a soft, muted palette of grays and purples. The air was crisp and quiet as if the world itself was taking a moment to reflect. Nature, too, seemed to respond to the emotions of the moment. The chirping of birds might be subdued, their melodies carrying a touch of melancholy. Dewdrops glisten on leaves and petals, creating a fragile beauty that mirrors the tender emotions in the hearts of those who experienced the day of mourning.

Yet, within the gloomy ambiance, there was also a glimmer of hope. The early morning light gradually brightened, illuminating the world with a gentle warmth. A lonesome kitsune admired the nation as she stood near the shrine's balcony.

"Yae..." You mustered up the courage to call her name as you walked towards her with Ayato.

Yae Miko's once-sparkling eyes, radiant with confidence and mischief, now flitted nervously, evading direct contact with anyone who might pierce her delicate facade. She inhaled a quivering breath before mustering the courage to meet your gaze, her voice soft but firm, "I sense a racket of thoughts echoing in your mind."

Beside you, Ayato's hand held yours while you observed Yae's complicated struggle. Her words hung in the air, like an ancient riddle waiting to be unraveled.

In the hush of that moment, the weight of unspoken questions hung heavy. Why had Yae's demeanor shifted so drastically? As you gazed upon her, your mind raced to decipher the puzzle she presented.

Yae's gaze held yours, a fleeting connection charged with unspoken history. "Like whispers carried through time," she continued, her voice a gentle murmur, "The answers you seek dwell in the tapestry of the past." Each word she spoke seemed to ripple with hidden meanings, inviting you to delve deeper into the labyrinth of her thoughts.

Her voice carried a reflective cadence as if the weight of bygone eras rested upon her words. "Long ago, way back before our nation's God met you, she had begun to pursue a project..." Yae's voice dipped, like a brushstroke pausing on a canvas, "A project to fill a void within her heart." Her words momentarily hung in the air, as if the echoes of the past hesitated to reveal themselves.

As Yae's narrative wove its intricate web, you and Ayato found yourselves captivated, drawn into the currents of her tale. Amidst her words, a wave of memories washed over you, transporting you to a time when Ei's eyes hid a depth of desolation that seemed to hold many secrets of her past.

Yae unveiled a long-kept secret, one that stretched back centuries into Inazuma's history. In a bygone era, the nation was under the rule of twin deities, a fact known only to a select few. Among the populace, there was but one name spoken aloud: Raiden Shogun. Makoto, the visible face of leadership, while her sister, Ei, remained a spectral presence, shrouded in shadow and mystery.

Ei, the hidden half, served as Makoto's confidante and sentinel, cast a watchful eye over the realm as the unsung guardian of its stability. Together, they stood as a united force, strengthening Inazuma's prosperity and might for generations until the fateful cataclysm that would etch itself into the records of Teyvat's history. 

Five centuries ago, the catastrophe struck an irreversible rupture that tore Makoto from Ei's grasp, leaving behind a void as deep as the abyss. The heartache that followed was a wound that time had failed to heal; the once-united twins were separated by an unfathomable expanse.

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