Chapter 2

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"Stupid bird," one of thugs growls at me. There were five of them and a woman struggling to escape from their grips and fix her clothes. Why is Gotham filled with imbeciles?

Two of the thugs charged blindly at me and I quickly incapacitated them, their guns discarded towards the mouth of the alleyway.

"Damn brat! I'll kill you," the leader roars before pulling out his gun. I quickly threw a birdarang, causing him to drop his gun as well as the guns of he's two remaining goons then knock them out too.

"Thank you so much Robin," the woman said after she somewhat successfully redressed. And I nodded to her before contacting the others.

"Batman, I'm on an alley a block away from 9th street, woman who was sexually assaulted and I've apprehended the assailants, please contact the police and possibly a medic."

"Nice work Baby Bird," Grayson praises and I'm internally greatful of the praise.

"Way ahead of you Robin," Oracle says and I stay with the woman until I hear the sirens approaching.

I continue my patrol when I come spot group of five boys and three girls laughing and walking at night.

"Are you imbeciles asking for a mugging," I ask them in my head until one of the girl's catch my attention.

(H/C) hair shining under the streetlight and her voice sweet and smooth like honey. From my position I can't see her face but her voice is undeniable, (Y/N) (L/N), singer, the world's youngest licensed psychiatrists, and the daughter of the late (M/N) the soul singer.

"What are you doing here in Gotham, (L/N)," I whisper aloud.

"Shut up, Spawn! You better not be fucking lying," Drake practically fan girl scream in my ear.

"Tsk, I'm not lying Drake! I see her walking with some other civilians," I hiss over the coms.

The laughter starts to fade as they get farther away from me and I make a brash decision to follow them. Something about how they all walk seems... unsettling to me. Like they're on constant guard for an attack not like the other Gotham civilians, but like veterans of war.

"I'm happy that we get to start over," (L/N) says as she turns to face her companions while continuing to walk backwards. "Percy, you start your Marine Biology work program tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, I'm excited to start working at the Gotham Aquarium and Rescue Center but that nothing compared to Wise Girl at the Gotham Architecture firm or Jason at the Gotham PD," the I assume was Percy says as he pulls the blonde girl closer to him.

The blonde boy in purple chucked, "But none of us can compare to Piper and Leo who both are working at Wayne Enterprise! Project advisor and engineer. A fresh start of all of us."

"Lucky you five," the one in a bomber jacket says with heavy sarcasm. "Unfortunately for the sixteen years olds in the group, we're stuck attending Gotham Academy with snobby rich kids who'll treat us like trash."

While they're talking, a familiar purple lamborghini aventador swerves in front of the teens.

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