Chapter 11

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I was worried that Todd might've embarrassed her so I waited for her outside the bathroom.

What I didn't expect was to hear another woman talking to (Y/N). It's too clear for it to be a phone call.

"Don't avoid Damian, he needs you just as much as you need him," The mysterious woman said and I frowned. Was she pretending to like me? Was she using me? My heart turned heavy at the thought but the pieces didn't add up, mainly the reasons if she was pretending.

She was practically a multi-billionaire herself so she doesn't really need money or power. Her personality is a guarded open book, she'll let you see what she wants you to see but you can't read beyond that. Her background is the only thing that's hidden.

"Hey, I didn't mean to take so long," my altaayir almuhaki said, startling me out of my thoughts.

"No, I was worried that my imbeciles of a brothers might have offended you," I answer quickly.

"What on earth is wrong with me? She's not mine, love is weakness," I thought to myself but my stomach kept turn uncomfortably whenever I'm near her of think about her. I've only known her for a day!

"So Lil D, aren't you going to introduce us to your friends," Grayson says pulling me into a side hug. Even though I love the display of affection from him, I had to keep up my reputation of being the heartless prince so I punched him in his ribs right below the bruise he got last night.

"Grayson, this is (Y/N)(L/N)," I stated rather bluntly.

"That's not what you called her earlier," Grayson teases before stretching out his hand to take her's.

"I'm Richard Grayson but everyone calls me Dick."

"A pleasure to meet you. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier," (Y/N) says while taking his hand and shaking careful to not show her tattoo.

"I gotta say, it's not often we witnessed Damian lose in a fight. You seem like you had a lot of training," Grayson said but I recognize the subtle interrogation he was doing.

"I'm honestly not that good, Nico and Percy are the best at our camp. Music, medicine, and archery are my specialty," (Y/N) says with a light blush.

"I heard from our baby bird that you're the youngest licensed psychiatrist and therapist in history, what brings you to Gotham?"

(Y/N) smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes and it takes everything in my being not to hug her. I'm beyond ill, perhaps Pennyworth might help my ailment.

"My Uncle and Cousin are here for a work program from college and after mom-," she cuts herself off and Grayson does the one thing that I long to do and pulls her into a comforting embrace.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Grayson says and (Y/N) just nods.

"Jason and Percy have shared custody over me and Nico. And since those two, their partners and Leo live here now... so do we."

"Excuse my intrusion but Dinner is ready. Since Ms. (L/N), Mr. Solace, and Mr. Di Angelo's Guardians aren't here yet, I've took the liberty to cook extra," Alfred announces which puts an end to the conversation.

"Quick question, does dinner contain pomegranates? Nico can't have any because it'll trigger him," (Y/N) ask. "Sorry if that's inconvenience you."

"It's quite alright, Ms. (L/N) and to answer your question. Tonight's dinner is (favorite food without pomegranates) with sparkling apple cider with the exception of Master Damian who will be having Ratatouille," Alfred said with pride.

"Much appreciated, sir," she replies.

"No need for formalities, please call me Alfred."

"Then please call me (Y/N) or Sunrise. People who call me by my last name or full name are usually out to...never mind," (Y/N) corrects. Curious.

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