Chapter 21

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Retuning home, after the glimpse of (Y/N)'s life, seems... mundane and pointless. Then I remember what Jackson and Chase told me while at camp, "Most demigods don't live past eighteen. Some don't even make it to camp for proper training, that's why satyrs here at Camp Half Blood are sent to grab them and bring them here safely. Being here at camp is a safe haven as well as our burial grounds, you're lucky that you're free from this life."

She and the others saved the world twice under the Justice League's noses when they should be worried about a proper career and future for themselves, not that I'm any better.

Since today was Wednesday, I quickly gathered my things for school and took my car keys to pickup (Y/N), Di Angelo, and Solace. I didn't want to be driven today in case father might have bugged the limo, but I double checked my bag and car for any mics that father might have planted. He paranoid sometimes for good reasons but I can't trust him not to force answers out of those demigods, especially on her life.

"Morning Damian," a voice says as I get in my car and I startled to find a man I've never met before in my passager seat.

"No need to freak out, I'm Apollo. (Y/N) and Will's father," the man... no God tells me and I try to keep my usual scowl on my face. "I just wanted to talk to you about my daughter and your intentions with her, mind if we chat for a bit."

I nod and start the car, getting interrogated by a god in order to court his daughter wasn't on my to do list this morning but it's better that being shot dead.

"I understand that (Y/N) has told you about us," Apollo says as we drive, "My question is will you support her or confine her? After all, she is a demigod meant to serve us Gods even if some of us don't want to loose them."

I was silent for a moment, (Y/N) told me that most Gods and Goddesses don't really care about their children and would bush off their deaths like it was dust on a counter top. But Lord Apollo seemed to understand the value of a mortal life despite his children being demigods, he's worried about her potential death.

"I will fight by her side no matter the cost, I refuse to let her or the people closest to her carry the wait of the universe on their shoulders alone," I answered him honestly and Apollo nods.

"I haven't seen (Y/N) smile since her best friend's death in the Second Titan War. You brought back her smile and her voice, something that even I couldn't do," the sun God say and I smile softly.

"My next question is, are you two planning on having sex?"

I nearly swerved the car into a light poll from shock. Why would he ask me this question now of all times? I didn't even ask her to court me yet.

"," I stammered feeling my face burn from the blunt question.

"I understand that you just got to know each other and it's only been less than a week but us Gods have a betting pool going. Besides, Eros told me the dirty thoughts going through you head when you sparred with my little sunset," Apollo says as he fiddled with a lyre that pulled out of nowhere.

"I was hoping to court her for a while before we came to that topic," I finally answered with embarrassment. Thankfully I pull up to (Y/N)'s residents but unfortunately Apollo wasn't finished questioning me.

"Final question then I'll give you something that should've been given to you at birth," he says as I knock on the door, "Will you love, cherish, and protect my daughter?"

I didn't even hesitate when I answered him, "With my last breath, she's only know joy and love. Even if my life makes things difficult for me to constantly express my devotion to her, it will be my life goal as her suitor to love, honor, and cherish (Y/N)."

Apollo smiles at me and turns to the door, "(Y/N), my beautiful sunrise, I so approve of this man."

A new wave a heat rushes to my face as I slowly turn my attention to the beautiful girl who stole my heart and I wish I could punch the God beside me.

"(ayuha alwaghd alwaghad) أيها الوغد الوغد*," I muttered under my breath as the Deity in question hugs his daughter with a bright smile.

"I'm guessing you said something inappropriate to my dad," (Y/N) said as Apollo slips inside the house calling out for the other residents.

"I called him a cheeky bastard*," I replied which earns me a giggle from her. "I came in here for a valid reason, I was wondering if you, Di Angelo, and Solace wanted a ride to school."

"I appreciate that, why don't you come in. We still have some time before school starts and Percy is making breakfast."

With that, I entered her home where playful chaos and blue pancakes were waiting for us.

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