Chapter 10

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After twenty five minutes, I lost again to Nico. Damn it! That was twenty five minutes of staying alive in a monster attack. Twenty five minutes against a titan or a god before they decide that they're done playing with me and end me.

"Don't beat yourself up over this lost. You've improved massively since the funeral," Nico said and I nodded before picking up my sword.

"When we get home, I'll give you some pointers on where you were left unguarded and where you need to pick up speed."

"Thanks Neeks," I said which earns me a punch in my arm.

"Mind if I spar with you two," Damian asks as he unbuttoned his shirt.

"I'm going to take a quick break *Figlio di Al Ghul, but little Sunrise will," Nico says which causes Damian to freeze on the spot.

"*Come fai a sapere chi sono? nessuno al di fuori della mia famiglia lo sa," Damian replies in Italian.

"*I morti raccontano le loro sventure e io mi limito ad ascoltare," Nico say rather sadly.

I knew what they said but I pretend to play ignorant. Both of them were haunted by their past, and I want to help but they need to admit that they need my help first.

Soon, Damian returns to taking off his shirt to reveal a tone body much like Jason's but littered with scars like every demigod who survived. Nico toss his sword to Damian and I watch his muscles ripple with power from the movement.

"{Gods why make him so sexy}," I murmur to myself before bracing myself for a fight I won't forget.

~Time Skip~

Surprisingly Damian can handle his own again me and I'm holding back by Seventy five percent. I cant make myself look too suspicious in front of the vigilantes, especially now that he's other brothers are watching us.

He was also holding back, I can feel it in his movement. Every step was calculated so he's secrets won't be exposed, which earns him my respect and admiration.

"How is she still alive," one of the brothers ask and I can hear Nico snort in amusement.

"Because he's holding back and he doesn't want to embarrass her in front of her brother."

"Fuck off Lord of Dirt Naps," I countered while charging at the opening Damian gives me.

"I would but, I relish messing with you," Nico teases as I was quickly slammed to the ground and pinned. Bastard distracted me.

Thankfully I still had my sword in hand so I flipped us over and held my blade to his throat, "Dead."

Damian looked shocked that I held him at sword point but the surprise was quickly covered by a mask of false rage. What gave him away was the glimmer of pride and something else that I couldn't describe.

"Get off me altaayir almuhaki," he fake snarls at me while using the nickname for me which makes me blush.

"Did he just give her a nickname," Jason, his brother asked aloud in shock as I scramble to my feet and hurry to the bathroom next door.

Gods, he's going to be the death of me, I thought to myself as I splash water on my face.

"I see your enjoying yourself," a feminine voice says from behind me. I turn to be greeted by Aphrodite.

"Why him? Not that I have anything against him," I asked her, carefully avoiding looking at her. Since her appearance changes to when we find attractive.

"Simple, you are lonely. You've avoided me ever since Ian-"

"Don't you dare say his name," I growled at the Goddess. Was that a stupid move? Absolutely but I'm still hurt that she wasn't there to protect him.

"Don't think you're the only one who lost there loved ones during the Second Titan War. I lost my children too," Aphrodite said coldly but sadly.

"I loved him," I chocked.

"And he would have told you to move on. He would've punched you in your arm for sulking," she replies.

"Then start bitching about his ruined manicure he just got done and dragged me to his favorite spa place," I whisper which earns me a chuckle from the Goddess of Love.

"Don't avoid Damian, he needs you just as much as you need him," she tells me before vanishing.

"He's life is already dangerous without me, I don't want to risk loosing him too," I sigh before returning to the sink.

1) Son of Al Ghul
2) How do you know who I am? No one outside my family knows.
3) The dead tell their misfortunes and I just listen
4) Mockingbird (if you don't remember from the previous chapters)]

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