Chapter 12

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We were having dinner with the Bat boys and Superboy... what could go wrong?

Well for starters, three of the vigilantes where getting suspicious. Normal kids can't keep up with the heir of the League of Assassins for Hera sakes.

"*What are the odds that Batman or Red Robin will visit us within a week*," Will asks me in Greek before taking a separating the best part of dinner.

"*Not as high as the odds of Damian sneaking into Sunrise's room tonight*," I counter which earns me a punch.

"Is there something wrong with dinner," the butler asks us and I realized that the mortals were all starring at us picking at our plates.

"Sorry for concerning you Alfred, but it's part of our religion. We sacrifice the best parts of our meals and offer our prayers," (Y/N) said politely.

"How do you offer your sacrifices," Damian asks.

"We burn it," I reply bluntly.

"WHAT," exclaimed Jon while the older bat boys looked horrified.

"No one in our camps wants to sacrifice live animals so parts of our dinner is the safest and less traumatic way."

"And what religion are you guys," Jason asks and it takes everything in my not to shutter from the wrongness if his presence.

I watched his soul get ripped from the Underworld and chased after him only to find that he was brought back to life. To say that Dad and Thanatos weren't happy at Ra's al Ghul when he fully died.

"Hellenism," Will answers.

"Changing topics, how did the three of you meet," the one who looks like he's on the verge of collapse from caffeine overdose.

"I can't speak for Will and me, but (Y/N) has classes with him. Jon invited us to eat lunch with him and those two joined us," I answered just as the Dark Knight out of costume walks in.

"My apologies for being late, I wasn't aware we were having guest," Bruce says.

"Would you consider it ironic that the three of us weren't planning on staying so late doing homework," (Y/N) jokes and the man cracks a small smile.

"Bruce Wayne," The Dark Knight says extending his hand.

(Y/N) takes his then introduce us, despite the fact that us demigods already knows his secrets.

"Demon was just about to tell us the meaning behind the nickname he gave (Y/N)," Dick teases and I couldn't suppress my smirk when I saw the blush painting Sunrise's face.

"Shut up, Grayson," Damian snarls but I caught the faintest hint of color on his cheek.

"And to think it's a sweet nickname in Arabic too," Dick continues before a knife zipped past his ear and imbedded itself in the wall behind him.

"Damian," Bruce scolds but I couldn't take it and bust out laughing.

"*Oh Gods he would fit in with the Ares kids*," I wheezed and (Y/N) slipped into a giggle fit.

"*Imagine the teasing he would get at camp and how everyone would catch the knifes midair*," Will snorts and it took a a while to calm down.

"What's so funny," Damian demanded and (Y/N) was the first to speak.

"What you did reminds us of our family gathering on our Dad's side, all of the cousins have... different patience levels and one of our cousins tend to throw sharp objects when their teased. It's funny because we picture them teasing you and you threw a knife at them but they caught it."

"That sound concerning," Bruce says but we noticed the suspicious undertone.

"Not really, since they work with special ops," (Y/N) lies so smoothly that you would've thought honey coated her words.

Thankfully the door rings and Alfred leaves to answer it.

"That might be Leo...or Percy,"Will says.

"Or Jason," I mutter with earns me a look from suppose-to-be-dead Jason.

"Not you, Jason. Our other Guardian," I clarified just as Seaweed Brain and Repair Boy walks in with the butler.

"Pequeño sol! Death Boy! Doctor Sunshine! I've missed you three," Leo declares and I slam my head against the table.

"Kill me quickly," I grumble but smile internally.

"Come on Zombie boy, you've got school tomorrow," Percy says before noticing the other people in the room.

"I'm Percy Jackson and this is Leo Valdez. We're picking up Nico, Will, and (Y/N). Sorry it took us a while, we're still trying to navigate around Gotham," Percy says while Leo is hugging (Y/N) like she's going to disappear.

"Are you the kid that had a nationwide manhunt when you were twelve," the coffee addict ask and Percy's friendly smile falls a bit but nods nervously.

"Held at gun point," he replies and Damian just glares at him.

"Damian, I get that you have trust issues but please stop trying to prove that people are just trying to use you and your family," (Y/N) points out before lightly punching his arm.

"Uh oh, looks like you're in trouble with Dr. Sunny," Percy jokes which earns him a harder punch. "Ow!"

"Let's head out, Leo's appointment is in thirty minutes and I want to make sure we get that covered. Thank you for having us for dinner," (Y/N) says and we take our leave.

"We're riding Festus home," Leo says with a grin

*Oh Gods, why?!*

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