Chapter 5

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I waited in the office with another imbecile from my class. Apparently the two of us have to escort three new students to their classes and show them there lockers, which is infuriating to me.

"Damian," the Principal said and I have to bite back a snarl at he's condescending sweet tone he uses, "I understand that you're not a fan of people outside of your family except for Jon but please try not to start a fight with them."

"Only if they don't irritate me," I state coldly. Normally, the Principal wouldn't bother talking to me because he wants to please my father but today he anxious and jumpy.

"Come on Nico, you can sleep with my brother after school," a familiar voice calls out from the doorway at I turn just in time to see her.

She haunted my thoughts ever since last night.


I followed the odd group of teens after they refused to be escorted by home by Grayson, Todd, Drake, and father. To say I'm surprised was an understatement, it's not everyday you watch someone that's not apart of the family punch Joker square in the face and is unaffected by father's glare. Plus, each of them walk like war veterans.

"You know you can come down here and talk to us instead of following us like a stalker on the verge of becoming a serial killer lover," McClain calls out and I freeze. I recognize her voice from the Spring Gala, since she's supposed to be in college.

"Come out Robin, I know you were following us since the very beginning," (Y/N) said and I jump down from the roof I was perched on and walk out into the glow of the street light.

"Only our little Sunrise is able to attract the attention of Gotham's smallest bird," the blonde girl teases I had to resist the urge to punch her senseless. Female or not, imbeciles are still imbeciles.

"Your glare won't scare us but that's besides the point. Why are you stalking us," (Y/N) says and I almost gave in to the power behind her words...almost.

"Why did you move to Gotham of all places," I asked her, dodging her question.

"Oh Gods there's two Nicos," Grace says and the rest of the group minus the boy who looks like he just crawled from the grave (I assume was Nico) chuckled.

"Funny Grace, remember I know where you sleep," Nico threatens.

"And I know who you're fucking," (Y/N) counters and I had to stifle a small snort.

"If you want to know why we came here, stop by with an invitation. Maybe I'll spar with you," (Y/N) says with a purr and before I could fully process what happening, she steals one of my katanas off my back and runs off.

~End of Flashback~

Pride and rage bubble underneath the surface as our eyes meet.

"Ms.(L/N), Mr. Solace, and Mr. Di Angelo. Welcome to Gotham Academy," The principal says.

"You've got to be joking."

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