Chapter 18

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When the three of us arrived at the park (yes, Todd eventually caught up with us) the sky seemed to part the clouds for (Y/N).

"It's been a long time since I've seen a hint of the sun in Gotham," Todd says and I had to agree with him although I'll never admit it. It was a shock to how dark Gotham was in the daytime when I first arrived, the air was thick with pollution that I thought the clocks were broken.

"Gotham nearly broke my heart," (Y/N) says sadly as she takes a seat under a tree. "If Pan was alive he would mourn the lost of the wild."


"The Greek God of the wild, Todd," I explain and take a seat next to her as she begins to fiddle with the guitar then starts to play.

The way her fingers produces the beautiful melody, I feel at peace. Like all of my crimes when I was with mother and grandfather are washed away with the guilt. I felt tears on my cheek but I couldn't be bothered with them when she begins to sing. [song above]

The world around us has gone still just to hear her performance, the animals fell silent and the people around us silently approached us just listen to her. Even Todd was muted and was softly crying as the my mockingbird sang. Every ounce of emotion was poured to her performance and she was practically glowing. When the song was done, everyone still remained silent for a long moment before giving a standing ovation and slowly returning to their activities.

"Could you teach me," I ask impulsively shocking myself.

She smiles at me and I felt heat rush up my neck to my face. "Guitar or singing," she asks as she rests her head against the tree.

Before I could respond, screams fills the air followed by a chill in the air

"Shit! It's Mr. Freeze," Todd says and helps (Y/N) to her feet.

"No one is going anywhere! This world will be the perfect Winter Wonderland for my wife and no one can stop me," Mr. Freeze declares then he looks over at us. "(Y/N) (L/N), I begged your father for help with my wife and he ignored me. For that, I'll take away his precious daughter."

"Run," Todd urges us and without a second thought I picked her up and rang for my motorcycle. Unfortunately, my legs weren't fast enough to dodge an ice blast freezing me in place and sent her tumbling out of my arms with a pained yelp.

"Run (Y/N)," I screamed as Mr. Freeze makes his way over towards us. His glare set on (Y/N) was full of hatred and rage and what made my heart stop was the fact that her ankle was broken.

"Apollo could've cured her cancer but he refused to answer me," Mr. Freeze snarls and fires of more ice blasts. "Chronos told me this!"

Panic flooded my body as I watch hopelessly as (Y/N) trying to crawl away from the deranged scientist. Never in my entire life have I felt so useless, she could die and I wouldn't be able to save her. I cursed myself for not preparing for this, a rookie mistake.

But (Y/N) did something unexpected, she brought her fingers to her lips and whistles so loudly that the ice that was restraining me shattered. It was so loud that even with my ears covered, it echoed and made my ears ring. Mr. Freeze wasn't doing much better since he's crumpled to the ground holding his ears in pain.

Soon she stops and I rush forward and scoop her up in my arms running as fast as I could.

"Sorry about the whistling. It was my last resort tactic," she says, "and cry for help."

Before I could ask what she meant, a huge dog runs up to us and my heart nearly leaped from my chest. Constantine told us about these creatures but I didn't believe him... but in front of me right now was a hell hound and riding this beast was Di Angelo.

"Hurry before he realizes what's happening," Di Angelo orders and I had no choice but to help (Y/N) up and follow close after.

"I won't allow you to escape me (Y/N)," roared Mr. Freeze and the monster starts running. Then pain flares in my side and everything goes black.

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