Chapter 19

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I woke up to a blinding light and voices, some familiar and others not.

"He got hurt trying to protect me," (Y/N)'s voice said with sadness. "It's my fault that he's in this state."

"Even though I highly doubt that, the fact of the matter is that a mortal has spoken to the Titan Lord of Time," a man's voice says with a sigh.

"He was freaking dusted! Luke destroyed him. How can he be back already," Di Angelo said slightly panicked.

"This is something I'll have bring up to the council, Just watch over him," the mystery man says and I swear I heard the clopping of hooves walking away.

"He's going to be fine (Y/N), Will and your dad patch him up," Di Angelo says and I let out a soft groan. Despite being awake for a while I feel like I was just waking up.

"Damian, you're ok," (Y/N) says and passes me a glass of water. Her beautiful (E/C) eyes slightly red and puffy as if she was crying for me.

"What happened," I croaked the took a sip of water. The cooling liquid soothing my dry throat.

"You were stabbed bellow the ribs with an icicle, so we brought you to camp. Thankfully it didn't hit any vital organs or veins," Di Angelo says bluntly and the memories came rushing back to me.

"The Hellhound," I quickly looked around the room in search of the monstrous dog, spotting it out the window... playing with some children?!

"Ms. O'Leary? She wouldn't hurt us. She's too much of a sweetheart to kill any of us," (Y/N) said calmly but I can tell she's nervous.

"I spoke with my dad's side of the family and that granted me permission to tell you everything, but you can't tell anyone else."

"I swear on my sword and my title as heir to the League of Assassins," I told her as I carefully sat up. I'm so used to having stitches that I can move around and spar without tearing the stitches.

"Ok, how much do you know about the Greek Pantheon," she asks as she fiddles with her clay beaded necklace. A nervous tick that she has when she's sharing her family story.

"Beside the fact that Diana said that they're dead, only what I've learned in class," I answered honestly and (Y/N) snorts coldly when I mentioned Wonder Woman.

"She would say that they're dead since she refused to help us during those two wars. But that's beside the point. Everything about the Greek Mythology is true and the Greek Gods aren't dead. They're still around and on rare occasions they still have flings with mortals. The results of those flings are demigods," she explains and Di Angelo gives her a comfort Pat on the shoulder.

As she continues to explain the more it makes sense, how she was able to hold her own against me and I when I was holding back, understanding and speaking Greek, Latin and Ancient Greek.

"Could you tell me who's your Godly father, since you obviously have a mortal mother," I ask and she giggles.

"My dad is Apollo: God of the Sun, Prophecies, Medicine, Plagues, Archery and Music," She says and the sound of a conk horn rings out through the camp. "Seeing that you're well enough to sit up, how about some food, as a guest at Camp Half Blood."

I let (Y/N) carefully drape her arm over my shoulder as she led me out what I assumed was the infirmary. Witnessing the camp in it full glory was breathtaking and giving such a warm feeling in the air. It put Gotham and Grandfather's fort to shame.

"So we're on Long Island," I asks as children run by laughing carry swords and daggers.

"Yep, I'll give you a tour after dinner, I think their might be a chariot race or Capture the Flag later," she says.

"Welcome back (Y/N)," a voice says from behind us and we turn to find a faun heading towards us.

"It's a faun," I said in shock and the faulty response n in question frowns at me.

"I'm a satyr! Fauns are Roman and my name is Grover Underwood. It's good to see you're awake, Damian," The satyr says and I look at him in shock.

"You know who I am?"

"Of course, It's not every day that a mortal hero is brought here and has Apollo assists in healing you," Grover says.

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