Chapter 15

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When I started my work program with the Gotham Police Department, Waking up early on Saturday morning so I can escort (Y/N) to Arkham Asylum wasn't what I had in mind. But what did I expect from someone who's Fatal Flaw is selflessness.

Olympians give me strength, I prayed in my head as Commissioner Gordon pulls into a parking spot next to asylum, in perfect view in front of the security cameras.

"{I'll be ok, Son of Jupiter}," (Y/N) says from the backseat and I reach back and hold her hand. I can tell she's trying to comfort me and it works slightly.

"{I'll always worry about you. You're part of my Legion and I practically raise you since you arrived at camp}," I told her bluntly before sighing. "Let's go."

"What was that," Commissioner Gordon asks us as the three of us make our way to the visitor's desk.

"Latin, sir. We learned Latin and Greek from the summer camps we attended," I summarized so I don't have to try to weave my half truths.

"Must be some camp," he replies and thankfully end the conversation right there.

"Hello, I'm Dr. (L/N). I'm here to see Harleen Quinzel," (Y/N) says professionally and I'm reminded that she's not just a kid but a licensed psychiatrist and therapist as well as a famous singer. She graduated from New Rome College at eight years old but served just two years shorter than me.

The security guard looks down at her an snorts. Asshole.

"Nice try kid," the guard starts before the door open to reveal a doctor wearing what I'm assuming is a lab coat.

"Welcome, Dr. (Y/n). I'm Dr. Johnatan Sparks, Im a huge fan of your work and it's an honor to have you here," the doctor says as he shakes (Y/N)'s hand excitedly.

"The pleasure is mine, Dr. Sparks. I heard from outside sources that you work with Mr. Victor Fries and Harvey Dent. I'm impressed," she says as she tries to hide her blush.

"Understanding their reasons might help them return to society as reformed citizens," the doctor says with such hopefulness that I almost believe him.

Until the asshole guard snorted again and said, "Give it up, Sparky. Those villains will never go back to being normal. Once a monster, always a monster."

"Are you licensed to make this claim, dumbass," (Y/N) snarls and it takes everything in me not to punch the guy.

"Look kid, I've been here for a long time," the man starts.

"Have you actually sat down and tried to understand why these so called villains do what they do?"

"Well no but-,"

"So you can't say shit if you don't know the reason. For all, you know their 'evil deeds' might turn out to be a twisted way to end world hunger or stop sex trafficking," (Y/N) argues before turning her back to the idiot. "Sometimes conventional methods are completely ignored by others but only when one takes an extreme step is when the world listens."

With that, the I follow my niece and the doctor to Harley Quinn's cell for her schedule appointment.

~Time Skip~

An hour and a half passed when (Y/N) finally emerged from the cell. Harley Quinn was hugging her tightly and crying, the other security guard that stood by me was about to rip Harley off of (Y/N) but the cold hard glare that (Y/N) leveled at the man nearly had him pee his pants.

"Thank you again Doc. I told Red about ya, and she might want ta see ya with an appointment," Harley says as she finally pulls away.

"Of course, my line is open. Just remember what I said about the journal. I'll be back next week and we can talk about what you've written," (Y/N) says and I shook my head with a smile.

"{You're selflessness is going to be the death of you,}" I told her.

"{I can't change my fatal flaw, but if I dead helping others then so be it,}" (Y/N) counters then says her goodbyes to the manipulated Psychiatrist and we head out to the front desk where Commissioner Gordon was waiting for us.

"Jason, why don't you head off to work. I need to make a stop at a Music Store anyways," she tells me as we exit the asylum.

"You sure," I ask.

"Yeah, besides I don't want to keep you from you," she answers and i nod before giving her a hug.

"Stay out of trouble," I tell her.

"Don't die on me," she replies. It's our saying and a plea to the fates. Because our lives is already difficult and knowing it could be our last hurts the people we're closest too.

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