Chapter 30

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I'm dead.
I knew the second I saw Thanatos that I died, and he looks so miserable that he had to take me. We walked in silence as we approached Elysium, but I wasn't excited to go there just yet not after finally living my life. Repeating high school might not have been my plan but I've finally started feeling like a normal kid.

"And I died like a hero."

"A death that shouldn't have happened until your wedding day," Thanatos says and I blushed.

"Sorry, I didn't realize I was thinking aloud," I stammer but the God of Death just chuckles at me as we pass Elysium and I looked at him in confusion.

"Young hero, it's not yet your time. Yes you died but you won't be joining Elysium yet... not without your soulmate," he replies as we approached Hades's palace. My heart nearly leaped from my chest in joy and terror, Damian shouldn't be here at all.

It wasn't long until I saw Damian, kneeling before Hades with his eyes closed then stands and walks out of the throne room. Almost instantly I felt myself get pulled towards the assassin heir.

"Let's just hope he breaks the curse I can't deal with this cycle anymore," Hades mumbles to himself. Then I was immediately back outside following Damian.

"I'm so going to kick his ass if he's doing something stupid," I say aloud not expecting him to hear or see me.

"Possibly," Damian replies to me and I jump from the shock.

"What in Chaos's name? You can hear me," I asked stupidly which earns me a chuckle.

"I can thanks to these ghost hearing aids," he replies as we walk through the Fields of Punishment. "The fates sent me on this quest, to break the curse on our souls. Because you weren't supposed to die."

I felt my heart break a bit, did he not care about me? My thoughts would've spiraled if he didn't continue.

"When you died I planned on joining you, I was about to call Todd or get in contact with on of Gotham's worst villains to do the job. I refused to see your corpse when I was still living, not after seeing and understanding what you grew up with."

As we continued walking out of the Underworld, Damian poured his heart out to me. He loves me, truly loves me and I couldn't help the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"When we get out of here, I'm kissing you," I told him.

"You have no idea how difficult it is to not look at you. I'm thankful that we can at least hear each other," Damian replies.

I tried to touch him, to assure him outside of my voice that I'm here with him but my hand goes right through him. "It's harder to not be able to comfort you when you need it most. I want to hold your hand to let you know I'm here with you," I replied.

After a moment of silence, Damian starts humming a familiar tone and I smile. He was humming the tone to the song I sang on our first unofficial date at the park with his brother.

"Let me teach you how to sing that song as we walk," I said as the idea starts to form on my mind, "I did promise you I would."

So I taught him the lyrics to 'I See Fire' and the meaning behind the song for the Lord of the Rings series and soon Damian's voice flowed like honey through the darkness with so much pain that you would've thought that a dragon was raiding Gotham. I sang along side him, not realizing that we made it out of the Underworld until the birds started singing with us.

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