Chapter 22

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I was struggling to keep the blush from my face when I heard Damian confession to my dad but I didn't hate it.

"So, what did dad do," I asks and the poor boy's face turned redder than the ruby necklace Hades gave me for Christmas.

"Apparently there's a betting pool in Olympus about whether or not we'll be...intimate with each other," he says as we enter the dinning room.

Leo was cooking vegetarian and non vegetarian meats to go with the mountain of blue pancakes sitting at the table. Annabeth was restraining Percy from eating the pancakes while Piper and Jason were talking about something. My poor brother and Nico were stuck listening to one of dad's horrible haikus, their eyes are secretly pleading for help. I decided to save them by gaining dad's attention noticing a small box shape lump in his back pocket.

"Dad, what's in your pocket," I asked him which successfully distracts him from the couple.

"I almost forgot about this," my dad says before walking over to Damian. "The Fates forgot to gift him this when he was born. This might stink a bit."

He pulls out the small box and opens it only for a blinding light to shoot out of into and slam into Damian's throat then vanish. Damian, to his credit, remain standing as he wheezes for breath and I rush over to him to scan for injuries.

"I had to return Orpheus's voice to his soul, since it was left behind in Elysium when he and Eurydice went for rebirth," Dad explained and I looked at him in shock.

"But Hermes usually delivers stuff to demigods," Percy says with streaks of flour  and blue pancake mix on his face.

"Normally I would let Hermes deliver this to you personally but I also come with a prophecy," my dad says with regret and I knew this wasn't going to go well.

The sun god clears his throat and begins reciting the dreaded prophecy:

"Heroes of man,
Will seek aid from the Godly land.
For Time shall rise once more,
And attempt to settle the immortal scores.
To beat the Titans the Heroes must join hand to hand,
For Demigods and Gods were meant to rule this land.
Should the Titans take control,
The world shall fall to a vicious cold."

Once the he was finish, no one spoke a word for a long ten minutes, then to my surprise it was Damian who started raging for us.

"This is unbelievable, after the two wars they fought for you, you expect them to fight this upcoming one and loose more innocent people?! Do you gods have no compassion or sympathy in your black hearts?!"

"I'd rather loose my place as a god then let my children go through this trauma again, Damian. Don't test my love for my children, the others I can't speak for but I can speak for myself," dad snarls angrily but Will stops him from smighting the mortal boy beside me.

I took the liberty to smack Damian upside the head and push him towards the table where the others were waiting after we heard the prophecy. The demigods already seated was making their sacrifices, not because their Gods and we respect them (because honestly some of them can suck our blades) but because they're our parents and we really don't want to die pissing them off.

"I'm guessing Mom or Ares is going to take us to the Justice League," Annabeth says calmly as she places food on her plate.

"How are you guys so calm about this," Damian asks as he eats some of the vegetarian sides that I place on his plate.

"We're demigods, our purpose in life is to help our godly parents," Percy says as he attempts to drown his pancakes in syrup.

"Percy, you're drowning the pancakes to the point we're I'm afraid that we'll drown next," I tease earning a dagger tossed in my direction by Annabeth but I caught it.

"Don't tease him about his drowning pancakes, that my job," she says with a smile and I put my hands up in mock surrender.

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