Chapter 3

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Why does the Fates hate us so fucking much?! A purple lamborghini aventador block our sidewalk and the doors open to reveal the infamous Joker and he's plaything Harley Quinn.

"Well, look at this Harley! The key to bring down Batman," Joker burst into laughter and I turn to my friends with a disappointing smile.

"Harleen, I know a few people who are so much better than him," I said to her, "Girl, when was the last time he focused on your wants and needs?"

Joker's grin starts to fall but I honestly don't care. My main focus is getting Harley out of this nuclear toxic relationship, if I die helping her then oh well.

"Harley don't listen to her. I've given you everything," Joker lies.

"Bullshit," us demigods cough while looking as innocent as possible. We're not blind and obvious...we'll maybe Perry is but even he can see Joker's abuse as taken a horrible toll on the psychiatrist. She barely speaks outside of her flirting with Joker and her eyes are broken from watch innocent children murdered by this man.

"Harley, he left you to rot in Arkham but you always break him out. Who's truly there for you when the nightmares are too much, and before you ask the bags under the clown makeup and the jumpiness when this joke gets mad shows me signs of PTSD."

The joke in question pulls out a gun an points it to my head. "I'm not liking this comedy show, sweetheart. Where's the punchline?"

"I'll tell you were. The punchline is up your ass down Main Street and left at Prostateville," I deadpan and Percy snickers. "If you're planning on intimating me with a the threat of taking my life, you're late by twelve years."

"You shouldn't be bragging about that," Annabeth says as she glances around for anything to use in this situation.

"Who says I'm bragging?"

"Fair point," she replied.

"Harley, it's your choice wether you want to leave him. But know that you can do so much better than him," I redirect to the poor woman tricked into believing she was loved by the Clown Prince of Crime.

"Like Red," she asked an I couldn't help but smile.

"Yes," I said before punching Joker in his nose, shocking Harley and Joker.

"That felt good," I said when the sound of his crunching bone echoed on the empty street.

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