Chapter 28 ⚠️Death⚠️

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The agonizing pained screaming of my sister had me turn just in to see her dragged aboard the ship with two arrows sticking out of her side. She was turning Nico shade of deathly pale as blood spatter from her mouth too quick for a normal arrow wound.

"NO," Damian and I screamed in unison as I grabbed some ambrosia and nectar then pull out the arrows and bandaged the wounds.

"You're not dying like this," I warned her as I tried to save my sister from dying but she only threw up the nectar. I recognize the symptoms, the arrows were dipped in a custom poison.

"My mockingbird, stay with me," Damian begged still clutching her close to her chest.

Her breathing was so weak and to make matters worse, her body wasn't healing from my magic or Percy's water magic. Nico gently placed a hand on my shoulder and shook his head when I finally looked up at him. (Y/N) was dying and we couldn't stop it, from a poison created by the Goddess of Misery herself.

The hero team looked horrified but us demigods knew the drill, after all we're born to serve the gods or die defying them.

"Robin," (Y/N) says weakly as she struggles to touch his face. "Our wedding will be this winter."

"Yeah," he sniffles as he takes her hand in his.

"We'll host the wedding at camp, my siblings will be in charge of the music," she continues before coughing more blood. "Nico, be my flower boy in the most princessie dress as possible."

Nico scoffs sadly, but agrees as tears fall down his face. I can tell Nightwing and the others are trying to fly back to the cave as quickly as possible while (Y/N) tells us her dream wedding.

"Robin, it's going to be ok," she says before she closed her eyes and stopped breathing.

"She's gone," my boyfriend says somberly and I start sobbing.

Jason, Percy and Aqualad took it upon themselves to inform the Heroes of (Y/N)'s death while Annabeth called Chiron and Reyna. Nico disappeared probably to guide my sister's soul to Elysium, but the rest of the demigods comfort me and Damian as I tried to clean up the blood from (Y/N)'s corpse.

When we arrived back at base we were greeted by Diana, Arthur, and Nico. The three of them already prepared a coffin for our wonderful sunset. Damian refused to let anyone take (Y/N) away from him, carried her coloring corpse down the ramp towards Nico and the coffin he made out of white oak and gold.

"Why the fuck are you here, blood traitor," I snarled at the Amazonian hero too hurt to care if she's mourning like me. "You have no right to be here mourning for us."

Diana, to her credit, pulled out a beautiful burial shroud designed for (Y/N). Golden thread embroidered to look like rays of sunlight, depicting the life of my sister. If it wasn't for Piper and Leo holding me up, I would've crumbled into the earth. I wanted to hate her for everything but she created a shroud for my dear sister for us to burn here before we attend her funerals at Camp Jupiter and Camp Half Blood.

The team of sidekicks were silent, mourning the death of their newest teammate/friend/ lover, Nico and I walked up to Damian and asked him to be the one to burn her shroud and say a few words. He didn't speak but burn the shroud and ran off in tears.

"She was his soulmate after all," Piper finally whispers after an hour. "I'm surprised he didn't have a more violent outburst."

"Let's hope he doesn't repeat the mistake of the past," I whisper but I didn't put too much hope behind it. After all, grief will make the most sanest of men fall.


"I can't live without her, please bring her back," I prayed as my heart continues to shatter.

"There is a way to get her back, Soul of Orpheus," an unfamiliar voice says and I look up to find a man wearing a UPS uniform standing beside me.

"I'm guessing you're Hermes," I said weakly, "she told me about you."

"I'm sure she has," he tells me and he sits down beside me.

"I'm not taking her to the Lazarus Pit," I declared coldly but the god just chuckles.

"Smart thinking too, because we don't want a corrupted demigod fighting against us. But there is away to bring her back without the use that forbidden water."

It took me a moment to understand what he was saying. "You want me to go to Aidoneus?"

"Bingo kid," the god cheers before handing me a box with a clipboard. "Sign for the package and I'll send you to The entrance."

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