Chapter 27

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~Two weeks later~
I forgot how bad Percy and Nico's fear of flying was until the Bioship started experiencing extreme turbulence and dodging lightning strikes.

"Damn Drama Queen," I grumble when a blast of lightning missed us by a fraction of an inch. "Zeus! If you want to lose against the Titan Lord then please continue!"


But the flight immediately went smother after I called the King out on his childish behavior. He listens to me surprisingly, except during couples therapy but that's beside the point.

"I forgot that Zeus listens to you," Leo says while he fidget building with a paper clip. A habit all Hephaestus/Vulcan kids have but it's pretty useful when you need an self defense weapon.

"Jupiter listens to me, Zeus wants to strangle me in ways that make me physically ill," I clarify with a shudder remembering when Zeus tried to hit on me when a potion from the Hecate cabinet backfired.

"I'm not even going to ask," Wally says smartly and that ended the conversation.

"Remember this is a stealth mission," Kaldur says and I nod, "Members of the Injustice League has been spotted on this island."

"Riptide, you and Aqualad are seaborne," I instructed Percy know gives me a salute.

"Right, are you and Thunder are airborne. Stay out of sight," Kaldur says to me and Jason using our correct code names, "Ghost. Shifter. Owl will be with KF, Red Robin and Artemis while Charm, Medic, Gems, and Engine are with the Superboys, Robin, Nightwing,and Ms. Martian."

"We're approaching our drop point," Megan says and the Bioship's door opens over an ocean and a few nodules miles off is the island we're going to.

"You know the plan," Jason says before jumping out of the plane.

"Ummm, guys," Leo says with fake horror.

"What," Robin growls.

"He jumped."

"... HE JUMPED," Percy exclaimed and I rolled my eyes at the theatrics before kissing Robin and jumping after my uncle.

[fifty points if you know the reference]

I'm free falling for a couple of minutes before Jason caught me bridal style and we glide through the sky then land in a tree deeper in the jungle area.

~time Skip to horrible demigod luck~

"YOU WILL DIE, LITTLE DEMIGODS," a cyclops roars at me as I quickly fire off arrow at the monsters while dodging Black Adam's punches.

"Ok, this is total bs," Tim exclaimed as his fighting against Joker.

"Nah, this is just Demigod luck," Percy says as he beheads a gorgon before dodging a nemian lion's claws.

Aqualad was holding up well against Atomic Skull, thankfully we got the information we needed from the injustice before we were sniffed out by that dam cyclops.

"Fall back," Jason calls as he sends a twister to tear through the monsters and knocking back a few of the injustice members.

None of us challenged the order as we ran back to the Bioship, more than done with this mission... except for Damian who was still fighting Joker. I knew I had to stun the psychiatrist destroyer, so I did the only thing that came to mind... I used my New York cab whistle which sent Joker clutching his ears. Damian, to his credit was still standing when I dragged him after me.

"I'm not helpless," my boyfriend grumbles as we approached the ship.

"I never said you were," I counters just as an arrow sinks into my side.

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