Chapter 14

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When I left (Y/N) house, I had more questions than answers. I knew she told me as much as she could but... parts of her story was only partially true. But she hinted enough for me to do some research without Father or Drake demanding answers.

I arrived back at the Cave, my mind wondering back to our two rounds earlier. The way she moved was so hypnotic one would think she was trying to seduce me... Not that she had any difficulties doing so

"Weapons are optional if you want to draw blood, it's not real to me if one of us isn't bleeding." Her words causes stirring in me and felt my face heat.

"Where were you, Demon," Jason ask snapping me out of my thoughts which startled me. I never let my guard down like this before.

"Lil D, are you alright? You're bleeding and red faced," Grayson asks in concern as he places a hand on my forehead.

"I'm fine Grayson, just had a small squabble and received a small scratch," I replied waving him off before heading towards the changing room.

"So, you're spaciness has nothing to do with a certain (H/C) girl who wiped the floor with you earlier today," Drake teases which catches the attention of Gordon, Pennyworth, and father.

"Damian lost a fight," Gordon says in surprise and I can't blame her. (Y/N) is pretty strong and I can tell she was holding back tremendously. Even when we were sparing at her home, she was holding back while I wasn't.

"She fought like she was a member of the League. Hell she was trying to hide a tattoo that was on her forearm," Dick says and I rolled my eyes at them.

"Damian," father calls and I pause in the doorway, "Mind explaining?"

"(Y/N), Di Angelo, and Solace attend a camp which doubles as a safe haven unique children," I start, "According to (Y/N), they learn all types of fighting styles as well as camp activities."

"What makes these children unique," Drake asks.

"She says it's a unusual family trait from her Father's side that dictates whether you can enter the camp at all. She said that she couldn't clarify without permission from the camp's CEO."

"I'm struggling to believe that," father says with a frown.

"I'm only relaying what I've been told. May I be excused now?"

"Master Damian, allow me to tend to your injuries," Pennyworth says and I reluctantly agrees.

Surprisingly, Pennyworth took me to the upstairs bathroom and pulled out the first aid kit.

"Master Damian, I had a feeling that you might want to talk to me about a private matter that you do not wish others to hear," he says as he dabs a cotton ball along the cut on my cheek.

"I've been feeling strange since I've met her yesterday night," I confessed. My thought back to her and I felt a small smile spread on my lips.

"I see. Tell me Master Damian, what about her strikes your interest."

"I enjoy she cunning, her wits, the way she smiles, the way she treats everyone like a human being not as a stepping stone to succeed. The way her eyes lights up when something is funny to her," I list out but slowly stop when I noticed that Pennyworth is just smiling at me.

"I believe what you're experiencing is feelings of affection towards the Ms. (Y/N)," Pennyworth said. "Remember what i told, love isn't a weakness."

After he places a bandage on my cheek I quickly made my way to my room and changed out of my suit. Just as I was about to place it in the hamper, a folded piece of paper tumbled onto the floor. I open the paper and found a number with a note

If you want to spar, hang out, or schedule an appointment. I'll be waiting Little Robin


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