Chapter 4

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"Harley, I think it's best for you to stay with Ivy or someone who will help you get back on your feet," I said and Harley nods before turning way from the toxic clown.

I groan loudly in annoyance at Joker straightens up. Blood is running from his nose but he's laughing.

"That's not creepy," Leo sasses.

"No wonder Commissioner Gordon says jobs as clowns aren't in high demand. Knockoff Stitches the Clown ruined the profession," Jason replied and the rest of us demigods agreed sadly.

"Now kiddies, how about we play a game with Mr. Crowbar," Joker says.

"Nah, we're good," I reply which throws him off just long enough for Harley to hit him with her mallet.

"I'm taking your advice doc. You're a good kid and I promise to protect you and your buddies here," she says just as Batman steps out of the corner.

"Harley," he says in a cold tone and it takes everything in me to not glare at this vigilante.

"I know the drill, Batsy. But know that these kids are under my protection from any criminals in Gotham. Joker may have more influence than me but I still have sway," she tells him as she surrenders herself.

"Batman, thanks for catching-," an older man started but stopped when he sees Jason. "Jason Grace? What are you doing out here?"

"Commissioner Gordon, sir. I was out with my girlfriend, friends, and niece," Jason says and I wave at the Commissioner and watch as his eyes widen.

"Your niece is (Y/N)?!"

"On my father's side, sir," Jason replies.

"We should get back to the house. School awaits the sixteen years olds here," Percy says with a yawn.

"Quite the punch you threw, Miss (L/N)," Batman says to me and I shrug.

"I know self defense. Plus he had it coming for a long while," I said before turning to Commissioner Gordan and Harley, "If you want to have a session request me and we can get you on better grounds."

"See you soon, Sunshine Doc," Harley says and follows walks into the police car, separate from Joker.

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