Chapter 29

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"Before I sign this, why are you taking me to The Rich One," I asks skeptically. (Y/N) told me to be careful talking about the Gods since they have a habit of kill first question later, especially Zeus.

Hermes just sighs like the question was a loaded one.

"I'm guessing you know the story of your soul's origin, correct," the god states and I nod. "Well it's more complicated that Orpheus and Eurydice reuniting in the afterlife, because Orpheus failed his quest to bring back his love it created a curse on their souls. This is their hundredth reincarnation since he died and you just happen to be the first mortal reincarnation with the gift of sight."

My eyes widen with this information as it slowly clicks into place. Why (Y/N) and I fell so quickly in love with each other, why her death nearly killed me, why I never want to be without her in my life.

"According to the Fates, (Y/N) wasn't due to die until after you two say 'I do' ten years from now, which means you're going to successfully break your curse," the God continues and I slowly understand but I realized the small flaw.

"What will makes my attempt in this life different from my past lives attempts? Apollo gave me Orpheus's voice two weeks ago and I barely know how to sing," I counter.

"That's just it, you were born without Orpheus's voice so you don't know how to use it. That's what makes you different from your previous lives, you have the fighting skills and wit."

"But how will this help me," I ask the god with mild irritation.

"Hades wants Nico to live for a long time. Offer him something that only you as Damian Wayne- al Ghul can provide," Hermes says and a plan slowly works in my head.

"Don't worry about the funeral, Apollo is healing the body for (Y/N)'s return," Hermes quickly follows up and I sign my name along the dotted line.

"Thank you, now on with your package. You've been given the demigod special: mortal edition," the Messenger god announced like a game show host as he pull out items to aid my quest...I can't believe that I said quest. "One box of Mega Doggy Biscuits for Cerberus, a ghost hearing aid: to listen to (Y/N)'s footsteps and voice, a celestial bronze katana, the vicious escaped soul of your grandfather in a jar as an offering."

My eyes widen as I take a closer at the jar and I saw the face of Ra's al Ghul glaring back at me. If I was my younger self, I would've tried to free my grandfather but this man was the reason I struggle with understanding the importance of relationships and love. Hermes gave me a few more items in a backpack before snapping his fingers, teleporting me to a recording studio in California.

The god ushers me inside and caught the attention of the front manager who turns to be Charon the Ferryman. The man looks highly annoyed with my present but I give him a small bag of gold drachmas that (Y/N) gave me while we were at camp and requested to be taken straight to "The Hospitable One" and Charon agreed and the two of us set were off.

When we arrived, Charon gave me a Judgement free pass and sent me off to follow the ghostly crowd. I spotted Cerberus in the distance and quickly pulled out three Mega bone treats, I payed enough attention to Mythology class to understand this level of importance if I want to stay alive. I wasn't afraid of the three headed dog, quite the opposite, I wanted to take him home but I knew I couldn't so I gave all three heads a treat and slipped pay the judgment line.

Soon I arrive to the towering gates of Hades's palace, the skeleton guards guided me to the throne room where the King and Queen of the Underworld sat eating dinner.

"My Lord Hades, Lady Persephone. I am Damian Wayne al- Ghul. I have brought you gifts and a request," I announced with a low bow.

I hope this works out, Father won't be pleased if I did here.

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