Chapter 31

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When we finished singing, I realized that we're outside of Hade's domain... about a block away from the exit we just came through. My heart began to hammer in my chest as fear pulse in my veins. I've never felt this way before, not even when facing the worse criminals in Gotham.

Slowly I turn to face my beautiful mocking bird, praying that I won't loose her or that Lord Hades was simply playing with me. Warm tangible (skin color) hands gently cups my face and I'm greeted by her beautiful (eye color) eyes and loving smile.

"Hi," she whispers and I pulled her close and kissed her, as if she would vanish if I didn't. She tastes exactly like she did when I first kissed her, lemon rose cookies.

"Glad to have you among the living, beloved," I whisper when we finally pulled apart the heat from her body confirmed that she's truly back.

"I'm glad to be back, but don't do anything that reckless ever again," she scolded that was followed by a punch to my ribs.

"Ouch! Really," I wheezed but I couldn't help but find her anger adorable despite being strong enough to break my ribs.

"Don't die for me," she demands then she pulls me in and kisses me.

~Time Skip~
We arrived in Brooklyn, New York about two days after I saved my beloved and we prayed to Hera to hold a small wedding for us. After losing (Y/N) the first time, I didn't want to repeat that heartache ever again.

"I still can't believe we're married," (Y/N) whispers as she gazes at the tattoo that Hera placed on us to replace our wedding rings.

"I can't believe either, but here you are my beautiful wife," I whisper into her ear then planting a gentle kiss to her temple.

"Let's hurrying to Manhattan, I rather not be in Egyptian territory for longer than necessary," she says and we call for a taxi to drive us to the Empire State Building. When she pays for the fare with a casino card, the meter read infinity, shocking both me and our driver.

"You can keep the card if you can get us to our destination in ten minutes," she says with a devious smirk.

"Ten? I can get you two there in while picking up something for you two to eat in five," the driver says and he speeds off to Manhattan in record time.

He wasn't lying about picking us up something food because he grabbed us some falafel gyros before pulling up to the Empire State Building a few moments later. (Y/N) tossed him the casino card and told him that it'll to him better in Vegas but to refuse to say what casino gave her this card. After three minutes, he gave up and drove off leaving the two of us alone.

"It's safer for him to not see the Lotus Hotel and Casino. I don't want to be the one to accidentally trap him in time," she says before digging through her pockets and producing six drachma coins, "Ready for a terrifying ride?"

"Is it more reckless that the cab driver," I ask nervously as I'm about to bit into my gyro but she stops me.

"If you eat now, you'll regret it when we get out," she says as she tosses one of the coins into the road. I watch as it melts into the ground and grey smoke emerges until a grey taxi cab appears with three angry voices of three women pouring from the window.

"I feel like I'm already regretting this," I countered as we entered the cab.

"Camp Half Blood on Long Island, please and you'll five extra drachmas for getting us there quickly, alive, AND safely," (Y/N) says and the three women stops arguing and starts driving.... Like lunatics.

As we swerve in and out of traffic, the ladies immediately return to their bickering... something about an eye, but I quickly ignored it. Something about these women felt familiar from my Mythology class but I couldn't exactly remember, which at that particular moment I was grateful for.

Soon, we arrived at the bottom of a familiar hill, and the cab came to a stop. (Y/N) was right, if I've eaten that gyro before getting into this cab... Todd and Drake would be laughing at my expense if they ever knew.

I stumbled my way up the hill while my sadistic songbird paid the ladies and soon she was at my side and the cab from hell vanished.

"I'm surprised that you handled the Grey Sisters' driving so well," she says with a giggle and I shot her a playful glare.

"Clearly you haven't been flown around by Jon when he on a caffeine and sugar high," I countered.

It didn't take us long to reach the peak of the hill, but my songbird stops me from entering.

"Hold on a second. I, (Y/N) (L/N) daughter of Apollo, grant my husband Damian Wayne permission to enter Camp Half Blood," she says then encourage me to enter camp.

Apparently everyone was gathered in front the camp's fire pit in the dining pavilion, I can spot the Justice League and the Team along side our demigods teammates. Nico was the one to spot us first.


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