Chapter 7

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"So Will and Nico, how do you know (Y/N)," Kent asks excitedly and I had to admit I am curious as well.

"(Y/N) is my half sister on my dad's side before he left me and mom. I'm a few months older," Will said and I can tell he's not saying the full truth like (Y/N). When they talk about their father, it's perfectly worded so no one would dig too deep. "On the subject of how we found out, she came to my camp when she was eleven. (Y/N) and her mom recently moved to Manhattan at the time and we basically became our camp's medical team."

"I got a chance to meet Dr. Sunrise during a camp trip. I owe her my life," Di Angelo said as be pick around his food.

"Eat up, *Son of Hades. You need to rebuild up your health after the War.* Your practically a walking corpse minus the flesh rot," (Y/N) says part of it is in Greek so I couldn't understand it.

"She's right Neeks, please eat something. Doctor's orders," Solace coax with a small smile which makes Di Angelo groan.

"Only because I love you," Di Angelo says before giving Solace a brief kiss shocking Jon and myself.

"Please don't tell me you two are homophobic," (Y/N) says with a glare that sends a shiver down my spine. Jon quick response say that he too was homosexual.

"Drake is a closet homosexual," I stated bluntly then take a sip of water. She's the only person who was able to intimidate me but it also intriguing because of my training.

"I knew it! Pay up Will," (Y/N) cheers and Solace and Di Angelo hands over ten dollars each.

~Time Skip to the end school~
The five of us quickly made our away out of school.

"Man, I can't believe that we have to write a paper on Greek Mythology stories with our own twist," Jon complains.

"Be thankful that it's a partner project," Di Angelo scoffs with a small smirk.

"Yeah, but my partner is unfortunately Elizabeth Jones who was too busy glaring holes into (Y/N)."

"Speak of the Empusa and she'll come with hellfire," (Y/N) says as Jones's shrill vexing voice joins our small assembly.

"So Jon, I want you to tell me the topic so I can pretend to know what we're doing when we present it to the class," Jones proceeds to order Jon without looking at him as if he is some kind of dog. It takes everything in my power not to break her nose for her arrogance.

"Don't worry about us meeting up to work on this project because I'm not going to be in the area this weekend."

"But the project is due this Monday," Jon argues in disbelief.

"That sounds like a you problem. I've got cheer practice in ten. Bye loser," the harlot calls as she walk towards her car.

"Got it recorded, sis," Solace asks.

"Recorded and emailed to our teacher with a request of Jon joining your group," (Y/N) says with a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. Her phone chimes and she opens her emails and relays our teacher's response to Jon.

"Thanks guys, do you guys want to start on our project right now," Jon says and I can't help but want to join them. As mysterious as secretive as the three teens are, I want to get to know them more... get to know her more.

"YO! DEMON SPAWN, GET IN," a painfully familiar voice call out to me and I groan as Jason exits the backseat of the limo.

"I think we could all do our research together, makes it easier to explain to the others why we're coming home late together then each of us coming home at various times," (Y/N) suggests, "Plus, Jason, Percy, or Leo could pick all of us up from one familiar location and lower the chances of crossing Gotham's baddies."

"I agree with your statement, (L/N)," I say quickly which earns me a shock look from Jon.

"Great, I'll text the others."

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