Chapter 22

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I guess you could say Michael and I were in our "honeymoon phase" in the beginning part of the relationship. We hadn't been apart since the bonfire and we've barely seen the other guys since then either.

We hadn't told the fans yet but a lot of them were suspicious. Especially after I posted a somewhat "flirtatious" picture of us on Instagram and everyone had lost their shit. I mean I don't blame them, it's been a very few eventful months in the fandom.

"Soph, we have to go to the store! The boys are coming over for a movie night tonight. I feel bad for ignoring them the past three or four days," Michael admitted, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. He brought me out of my concentration on my cereal. I was sitting on the counter eating breakfast while Michael watched me.

"Why have you been ignoring them, you dumbshit? Just because we're together doesn't mean you have to avoid your friends," I said rolling my eyes and Michael grinned sheepishly.

"But you're so cute and I couldn't help but get distracted by you," Michael admitted and I mentally awed. He was just the cutest person ever.

"Also small question, did you bring a onesie?" Michael asked.

"Michael Clifford, do you not know who I am? Of course I did," I scoffed and Michael grinned.

"We have to pick up Freddo Frogs, and Violet Crumbles, and Twirls and Picnics," Michael said rambling and I just looked at him in a confused manor.

"I have never heard of those in my life," I said.

"I swear I sent you a Twirl in one of my care packages a few years ago," Michael said quietly, he obviously seemed lost in thought, thinking over the Australian candy I haven't eaten.

"I'm not going to remember that," I said rolling my eyes and Michael did the same in a mocking way.

"Why am I even friends with you?" I asked and Michael laughed.

"Grab your shoes and let's go," Michael said. I jumped down from the counter and Michael patted my butt as I walked past him. I turned around to glare at him but the smile growing on my face said otherwise.

I bent down at the door mat and slipped on my Vans that were on the floor. I grabbed my phone and Michael grabbed my hand, leading me out the door.

"Do you want to play Iron Maiden in the car or Green Day?" Michael asked, he squeezed my hand as I set our entwined fingers in my lap.

"What about Taylor Swift?" I asked and Michael just rolled his eyes.

I don't see why he cared, he loved Taylor just as much as I did.

"I swear to god that all you listen to is Taylor Swift," Michael said rolling his eyes.

"But you still like me anyways," I said laughing.


We had ended up staying at the store for two hours because Michael couldn't make up his mind on whether getting popcorn with butter or getting popcorn without butter. He eventually settled with getting both but I had been so bored watching him debate with himself.

I was currently in the bedroom, changing into my onesie, while Michael was setting up the living room. The guys were gonna be at Michael's house in barely 15 minutes and Michael had set himself behind on getting the house ready.

"Soph, are you changed?" Michael asked, his voice muffled through the door. I nodded my head but quickly realized he couldn't see me.

"Yeah, I am. You can come in," I called out shyly and Michael let out a small laugh.

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