new books that I've started

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Okay so basically the last book list I did was very outdated and I've started like four new books since then!

Exposed- this one is my favorite to update. It's a Calum story and kind of a Luke story and it follows the life of Calum's girlfriend and then the life of a paparazzi chick that wants to take down 5sos. It's very deceptive and it's so much fun to write. I definitely recommend this one.

Invisible- this a Luke one that I started! Basically the girl is best friends with Luke and she loves him but he has a girlfriend who's a complete bitch. It's based on Just Saying by 5SOS and Invisible by Taylor Swift. It's going to be my cutest story ever.

Roman Holiday- this is part of my Badlands series. It's book two. It's a Calum one and it's based on the song Roman Holiday. If you read Young God, this one is a lot happier.

Breathe- finally a Michael one. I knew you guys wanted one. The girl is sent to rehab because of a DUI and Michael is her sponsor and basically you'll find out why she's an alcoholic and stuff. It's going to be really cool and I kind of based it off the show Recovery Road but not 100%.

Okay so that's it! It would mean the world to me if you could check out those stories. I love writing them and they're gonna be so good. Also if you haven't yet, check out the giveaway I'm having on my Twitter. It's the same user as on here.

I love you all so so so much!


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