Warming Up-Ace x G/N Reader

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     Tossing and turning for what felt like the past 4 hours, I finally give up. Tonight was cold, way too cold. I hate the cold. With trembling fingers I wrap myself up like a burrito and make my way to the door.
      The frigid night air hits me harshly. A chill wracking up my spine, but I push through regardless. With fast, but quiet footsteps I make my way to that room. His room.
       I wouldn't normally be so foward, but who else could warm me up like a human fireplace? I push ny dumb thoughts out of my head as I approach his room door, hand hovering to knock. Why am I so hesitant? It's nothing more than a friendly request, right?
      I take a deep breathe, growing a pair, and knock softly at first, but the second knock is much more confident. No turning back now. My heart nearly leaps out of its chest when I hear footsteps approaching.
      "What?- Oh hey Y/N, you ok?" The genuine worry in his voice makes me blush and his lack of a shirt helps 0, hopefully its too dark to tell. It IS very late after all.
     "N-nothings wrong i-its just....Its really fucking cold out here!" I push past him into his room, hopefully he wouldn't be upset with me inviting myself in, but it isn't like this is the first time i've seen his room.
     "Hehe, why are you up so late anyways?" He says with a slight yawn, I feel bad for waking him, but oh well.
      "It's really cold in my room and I was wondering if icouldstayherewithyou?" I'm too nervous to look at him, deciding the floor was much too interesting and shuffling my feet around instead. Why am I so awkward about this? It's frustrating.
"Ofc," He ruffles my hair as he walks past, "I don't mind a cuddle buddy." He's smirking, I can hear it clear as day in his voice, even if I'm not looking at him just yet.
Turning around I walk to his bed, where he's holding the blanket open for me. I awkwardly clamber in, my face so hot it feels like its going to melt off. I face away from him, expecting this to be as close as we get and I'm correct. He faces his back towards me as well and even though I'm slightly disappointed, this is best. At least I'm not a stuttering flustered mess in front of my crush.
After a while of listening to the waves wash against the ship and counting the seconds go by, I realize I still can't sleep. My heart hammering away inside my chest too loud for me to even think about anything else, but his warmth and how close he is to me. Knowing Ace he's already passed out, I don't blame him though, I did wake him up.
I feel shuffeling beside me and my heart beats faster, face flaring a million shades of red as I feel his arm snake around me. Pulling my back flush against his chest. I came here for warmth, but its entirely too hot now. Hotter than a summer in Alabasta. Only when I hear incoherent muttering and slight snores do I realize he IS asleep. I sigh, at least there won't be any more awkward confrontation for now.
Slowly calming my heart beat, I allow his warmth to sink in. Ingraving every detail of this feeling into my brain, for this could be the one and only time he holds me like this. His warmth starts to soothe me, lulling me to sleep slowly and in my last few moments of consciousness I feel his arms wrap around me tighter.
"msmhmd...Y/N" And then darkness.

The next morning<3

*Marco POV*
"Hey Ace it's-" I pause bewildered by such an unexpected sight so early. "ooohhh I see yoi~" Snickering to myself I get one last look at Y/N all cuddled up on Ace's chest. Closing the door silently as to not wake them. "OI THATCH ITS FINALLY HAPPENING!!!"

Sorry this is short, I'm not really an Ace simp, but I can see him being a good boyfriend to some lucky person.

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