I'm Always Here- Robin x G/N Reader

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*I did this for Inktober*

-Italics represent thoughts-

       I've been a part of the Strawhats for only a short time, but already I'm used to their schedules and way of doing things. I've learned to always go to Nami for help and NOT Luffy. Never Luffy.

       The crew is so lively and rowdy, and although they already feel like my family...it's often too much. I have really bad social anxiety, Chopper only recently diagnosed me with it. Everyone has been trying to help me in the ways they can, but I don't expect them to change for me.

       Robin suggested that I hang out in her library when it gets too stressful and the quiet room quickly became my safe space.

       Although I come here for peace, I do enjoy reading a lot as well. Robin has a ton of books that range from history to comedy and even romance. THOSE are my favorite. I've always been a sucker for the stupid ushy gushy crap.

       I'm actually reading a new one right now, one Robin recommended me. At first it was awkward, having her suggest romantic stuff for me. My feelings for her only added to the awkward tension, but it's long since dissipated. The only sounds in the room are our calm breaths and random page flipping.

       Although I am enjoying reading beside her, the warmth radiating from her is distracting. My thoughts drifting to Robin every time something romantic happens in my book.

      Thoughts of holding her hand or kissing her, holding her close and having her all filled my brain. She was way out of my league, I was well aware of that fact, but still I allowed myself to think about the possiblities of us.

"Y/n" Her angelic voice rang through my ears.

"Yes Robin?"

"You're zoning out, is something troubling you?" It scares the crap out of me how well she can read people. Does she know? Can she tell I have feeling for her that are far greater than our current relationship?

   "No, nothings wrong. I'm ok." I tried my best to give a reassuring smile, but I felt nauseous from the possibility that she had me figured out.

"Y/n." She gently grabbed my hand. I knew and she knew something was on my mind, but I'd rather be eaten by a sea king whole than be rejected by Robin.

"I'm serious, I'm ok. I guess I just have a lot in my head." A lot of you in my head.

"I'm always here if you need to talk." She patted my hand before elegantly leaving the room.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I decided to leave the library as well. As soon as I hit the deck, ths strong smell of salt water washed over me. It was a pretty calm day, of course there was the basic rowdiness of the crew, but today it was enjoyable.

       I looked for my favorite swordsman, spotting his messy green hair almost immediately I made my way towards him. Zoro wasn't overbearing so he was easy to be around. He also made good conversation if you could keep him interested long enough.

      "Hey Mossy!" He opened up his good eye to look at me.

     "Whatsup Y/N, you told Robin yet?" Going back to his relaxed state against the rail, I sat next to him.

     "No, I'm too chicken."
     "Heh, you can say that again!" I looked over to see him smirking. I haven't vocally told anyone that I have feelings for Robin, but Zoro is the only one who has noticed so far and pointed it out.

I lightly slapped his arm, "Shut up, you don't get to make fun of me for it!"

     "I'll make fun of you until it happens."

    "It'll never happen." He finally opened his eye to look at me.

     "Why not?" Usually when someone would stare at me like this I would shrink under their gaze, but I know Zoro isn't judging me he is just....intense I guess.

"Well I'm just to nervous. What if she rejects me? What if I disgust her or if she hates me after?" Zoro let out a long sigh before sitting up and turning to look me straight in the face.

"What if she doesn't? What if she likes you just as much as you like her? What if she is waiting for you to grow a pair and tell her? You only have one life and if you live terrified of what might happen you'll regret never doing anything. Tell her tonight. No matter how scared you feel just blurt it out before you can psyche yourself out." And just like that he is laying against the rails once more, relaxed as ever. "Now leave me alone, I'm trynna sleep."

I know he isn't trying to be rude, but dammit Zoro at least try to be nice. Anyways I make my way to the womens quarters. I saw her walk in this direction when she left the library, so I'm sure she'll be here.

"...just blurt it out before you can psyche yourself out."
    Before I could think I knock. It sounds much more confident and much stronger than I am feeling, but Zoro is right. I don't want to die alone, regretting how much of a wimp I was.

     Robin opens the door, ready to greet me, but I interrupt her before the words could leave her mouth.

    "I love you." The words sound so intense leaving my lips. She is clearly taken aback, searching my face to make sure she heard me correctly. Surprisingly I continue, "I love you so much it drives me crazy, I want to be here on the sea with you forever. If I could die for you, I'd die happy. If you don't feel the same that's fine I just-"

     Warmth, the overwhelming feeling of her warmth spread throughout me. He hands wrapped around my shoulders as she claimed my lips. My whole body froze momentarily as I tried to collect my thoughts.

      Carefully, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her as close as possible to me.

    "I love you too." She smiled at me, cheeks tinted a beautiful pink. "It took you long enough to confess." She giggled, the sweetest giggle I've ever heard.

   "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." I kissed her lips once more.

    "It's ok, didn't I tell you? I'm always here when you need."

Robin is such a cutie🥺😫

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