Hold My Hand-Child!Killer x Child!F!Reader

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*This was my first digital drawing ever and I did literally everything on one layer😵‍💫

You are 8 and Killer is 9.
-Italics represents thoughts-

Me and Killer are neighbors, it's been this way for as long as I can remember and every day we play together.


"Huh?" I turn my head to see Killer running to me. A smile instantly spreading across my face.

            "Killer!" I start running toward him, jumping into his arms as soon as I was close enough. He was a little taller than me, but not by a lot.

He squeezed me tightly, "I brought a surprise for you." He pulled a bag of chips out of his pocket. (Damn boy! How deep them pockets?)

*Gasp* "My favorite kind too!" I kissed his cheek. "Thank you Kill!"

I could see the slightest pink dusting his tanned skin, "It's not a problem really."

We sat down together by the sea. Watching as the waves rolled up the shore and back down again. We ended up sharing the chips, so it didn't take long to finish.

"You wanna play tag?" I looked up at him questioningly.

"Wouldn't it be kinda lame? It's just us two."

"Nothing could be lame if it's with you! Come on!" I held his hand as we walked to a more open space.

"Who's gonna be it?"

"Well not me, I don't wanna be it." I pouted.

*Sigh* "Fine, I'm it!" He started to chase me and I ran as fast as my tiny legs could carry me. It didn't help that I was giggling. I felt his hand gently grab my shoulder.

"You're it, now."

"Ok! I'll give you a head start."

"..... I don't need a headstart."

"Well I'm giving you one anyways." I nodded confidently, knowing he was much faster than me.

"Ok." He took off and soon after I was running after him, convinced I could catch him.

Not paying attention to anything but my target, I tripped on a rock and fell, scraping my knee in the process.

"Ow!" I tried my best to hold in the tears, wanting to look strong for him.

"Y/N! Are you ok?" But when he wrapped his arms around me in a comforting manner, I couldn't hold them in. "That looks bad! Does it hurt?" He didn't need to ask, one look at my tear soaked face and he could tell I was in pain.

"N-no, I'm fine!" I wiped my tears with the back of my hand, but more just kept spilling out. Feeling deafeted and embarrassed I decided to stop trying and just cry.

"I'll be back! Stay here, ok?"

"N-no! Don't leave! Please." The tears came harder, the fear of him leaving me whilst in pain, terrified me.

"Y/N, I'm just going get some bandages and medicine. I promise I'll come back."

"Pinky?" I held my hand up to him to take as I tried again to wipe away the tears.

"Pinky." He hooked it pinky with mine, stamping our thumbs together before running back to his house.

I waited quietly and patiently, the tears still flowing, but at least now I had the chance to calm down a bit. Watching as the distant waves hit the beach from where I was sat.

Hearing the distinct sound of footsteps, I whipped my head around to see Killer jogging back to me, med kit in hand. "You're back!" I through my arms up as more tears threatened to pour down my face.

"Of course I am! I told you I would be." He hugged me quickly, in comfort, and sat down to start taking care of my leg.

After many minutes of cleaning the blood away he looked at me, "This next part it gonna feel a bit weird." He pulled out a brown bottle I had never seen before.

"What is that?" I stared at him confused.

"I don't know, but my mama uses it on me when I get cuts and scrapes. It kind of bubbles up and stings, but I'm sure it's gonna help!" He took my hand and squeezed it to reassure me as he poured some out onto my scraped knee.

At first I didnt feel anything, but the tiny bubbles he promised would be there forming, but after a few seconds I felt the sting, causing me to hiss in pain.

"I'm sorry." He continued to rub my hand, and I had to remind myself he is here. Over and over again I repeat that phrase until it was engraved in my memory.

              He's here.
He's here.
He's here.

After the stinging subsided, he began to wrap up my knee being as gentle as possible.

"Is it too tight?"

"No, it feels fine now. Thank you Kill." I wiped my face again to make sure all the tears were gone.

He kissed the top of my head, "You're welcome."

We ended up sitting on the sand, holding hands, talking until it started getting dark. Once it did he walked me home, never letting go of my hand.

"I'm sorry you got hurt." He avoided my eyes. I stopped walking.

"It's ok really. It wasn't your fault, besides it doesn't hurt anymore! Thanks to you!" I smiled brightly at him.

The aura around him a dark, serious one. Something I had never seen coming from his usual smiling face. "I promise I'll never let you get hurt again." He turned to look in my eyes. The sheer determination to protect me evident on his face.

"I'll hold you to that then!" And I kissed him. On the lips, the way I saw adults do. It was short and sweet. "Thank you, Kill!" Beginning to walk to my house again, I hummed a made up tune.

Touching his lips, Killer could still feel the warmth yours left behind, "This girl..." He couldn't get rid of the redness his face had become, but started to walk with you regardless.

In the end, everything worked itself out and having just had my first kiss, I couldn't have been happier. Maybe I should fall over and scrape my knee more often.

I'm sick so I have more time to write :)

One Piece x  Reader One Shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang