The Sweetest-Cracker x G/N Reader

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I haven't drawn cracker yet, what's wrong with me?

-Italics means flashback-

Every morning no matter the weather or the mood or the day, I brush Crackers hair. We have been married for quite some time and ever since he learned how gentle I could be, this has been our routine every morning.
So like every morning he is sat on the floor, me on the bed behind him, gently brushing through his thick, long, purple locks.
"Your hair is so beautiful and soft," I smile as I run my fingers through his hair.
"Only because you take the time to keep it that way." He grumbled, although I know it's his way of being nice despite his choice of tone.
"I'll do so every morning for the rest of our lives together!" I kissed the top of his head.
My husband is an unusual man, to most he seems like a violence crazed maniac, but to me he is the sweetest.

"Do you trust me?" I looked deeply into his eyes, the unsureness obvious on his face.
"Of course I do, I always will Cracker."
"I know it's sudden, but my mother has this weird obsession with marriage and children and if I don't marry you now... I WILL lose you."
"You don't have to explain yourself to me, I've heard it a million times," I pressed my cheek further into his hand, "I would love to spend the rest of my life with you, no matter how sudden. I love you." Those three words had never been uttered between us, but I knew he loved me. Even if he would never say it verbally, his actions thus far have proved it to me.
He kissed the top on my head and whispered, so quietly I could barely even hear him over the pattering rain on my tin roof, "I love you too."

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" I looked down to see Cracker's teasing smirk staring up at me.
"Huh?" Having just snapped back into reality, (oop there goes gravity) I was a bit confused.
"You stopped brushing and you've been zoned out for a decent amount of time." He continued to stare at me for a while, "Hehe, thinking dirty thoughts so early in the day? Come on Y/N, I though you were better than that!"
"N-no I was not!" I could feel the immense burning on my face as I tried desperately to cover it.
"You so were! Don't lie to me!" In an instant he was on top of me, looking down on me. Teasing me. "We could make those dirty thoughts a reality~" He started kissing my face, "I don't have any plans today~" His hands started moving down my sides, gripping my hips.
"I love you." He stopped, slowly looking back at me, face going from teasing to soft.
Gently kissing me, he mumbled over my lips, "I love you too."
The sweetest!

This might be a little OOC, but I imagine Cracker being a bit of a softy, even though he is a sadistic fucker.

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