Anxiety- Katakuri x M! Reader

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*I still cant draw Katakuri :3*

Request for: @fandommixxed , they came up with the writing prompt and everything so credit goes to them<3

Warm hands gripped tightly at his arm, pulling him along.
"Come on Kata..." the voice echoed through his mind. A nostalgic feeling crept through his body as he was pulled somewhere he didn't recognize.


"Hmm?" Reaching over to grab his snail, Katakuri cleared his throat, "What?" His voice came out gravelly and harsh.

     "Big Br- oh.... were you sleeping?" Immediately Katakuri was sitting up, eyes open as if he wasn't just snoozing off mid day.

"N-No no, I'm awake." He cleared his throat, beginning to get the clothes he usually wore out.

"Ok, good! Mama requests your presence!" The line cut off before he could even inquire what for, the voice seemed rushed. He was never really needed on Whole Cake, unless Mama had an excuse to throw an extravagant party, then he HAD to be there.

        Leaving his room, he assumed his workers had already been informed that he was needed. All of them scurrying around, preparing for the day long trip it would take to get to Whole Cake.

He watched them for a while, bringing out doughnuts and numerous supplies needed to set sail. Katakuri's thoughts began to race, he thought about his soulmate and the dreams he had about them. The feeling of their hands squishing his arm, their faraway voice ringing through his ears. Unlucky for Katakuri, his dreams had never been vivid enough to make out who they were. Was it someone he knew? A random person he'd ran into? Someone he's taken down? He wasn't sure. All he knew was the warmth of their presence near him and hope one day he'd feel it for real.

        "Master Katakuri!" He was snapped out of his thoughts by a small voice at his side. "Your-"

"Ship is ready, I Know." Katakuri interrupted the chess piece rudely, "Call Perospero and let him know we're on the way." He ordered coldly.

        "Y-yes sir!" With a salute, the irrelevant man had disappeared. Off to complete his task.

        *Sigh* "This is going to be a long trip."

"Big brother Katakuri's here!" Pudding called as he walked through the doors. Everyone seemed giddy about something and he wasn't sure if he really wanted to know.

"Mamamama! Finally! I've got quite the mission for my favorite son!" Katakuri could feel some of the glares sent his direction, it was always like this. He despised being put on a pedestal, but he'd bare the burden if it meant pleasing his mother. "Brulee here has finally awakened her devil fruit." Big Mom's giant hand rested against Brulee's back, nudging her forward.

        Katakuri felt a spark of pride for his sister, but he'd keep it to himself until they were alone. Knowing his mother didnt care about achievements, it was just expected of them all to do great things.

        "She has learned to open up mirrors in other dimensions, I'd like for the two of you to explore other worlds and report back to me what you deem to be useful." Big Mom declared as she stuffed her face with cake.

        "Of course Mama, I'll make you proud." Her eyes sparkled as she smiled.

       "Oh, I know you will Katakuri! You'll leave tomorrow." Everyone knew that was their sign of dismissal, retiring into their designated rooms for the night.

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