Frankenstein -Franky x F!Reader

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*A really old drawing I did of Me and Franky (He's my comfort character)*


    "Frankenstein!" I took a few steps into the seemingly empty workshop. Searching for the Cyborg who had unknowingly become my closest companion. "Frankster?"

     I heard a clang and a thump before one of the back room doors flew open, the blue headed goofball made sure to make a 'SUUUUPER' appearance.

     "Ow! If it isn't my favorite little lady Y/N!" He did his infamous pose as he greeted me. "Is there something I can help you with?"

     Of course he was polite, he always was. Smiling at me brightly, as if I hadn't just interrupted whatever he was doing. I tended to interrupt him a lot, but each time he seems as if he doesn't mind my intrusions.

     "My shelf broke and I was wondering if you could fix it for me?" His face lit up as I asked.

      "Of course! I'll be right back." He turned to presumably grab his tool's. "Lead the way Ms. Y/N." I smiled at the way he added Ms. in front of my name. He always had to add something to it to make me sound so much more important than I truly am, but I wouldn't complain. Not when he's always so sweet to me.

When we got to my room, he waited for me to open the door and let him in. As I opened the door, I turned to look at his smiling face.

"Please excuse the mess, I don't have anywhere to put my books as of now." We were immediately greeted by the sight of all the romance novels that Robin had recommended me. I hoped he wouldn't make fun of me for it.

"It's no problem," He got right to work setting up his stuff and looking at my shelf's. "Once I fix this you'll have tons of room for them." He shot me a reassuring smile before he got right to business.

I would have offered my help, but Franky was more than capable of handling the simple task and I didn't want to be more of a nuisance than I knew I already was. With that being said, I sat on my bed and watched as he worked. The silence felt comforting, just being in his presence made me so unbelievably happy. It was scary how fast my feelings for him had bloomed, one moment he was a really funny friend and in the next I'm having dreams of kissing him and fighting the urge to hold his hands.

      "Y/N?" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts, he looked at me questioningly.


       "You've been staring at me for a while, is something on your mind?" I felt my face grow hot from embarrassment, I hoped he wouldn't notice.

        "No, I'm ok. I'm just tired." I gave him my most reassuring smile and he went back to work. It seemed as if he was fixing the last shelf.

         "You know, we've known each other a while," He started, proping up the shelf to where it needed to be, "and although I'd say I'm pretty close with everyone on the Sunny, I feel like I've grown the closest to you." My heart started to beat out of my chest, "I know this is probably just wishful thinking, but I'd dare to say you're rather fond of me as well." He turned around to smile at me, my stomach was twisting itself into knots, "How about at the next island I take you on a date?"

        If Franky was nervous, I couldn't tell. He went back to finishing up my bookshelf as he awaited my answer. It was silent for a while as I processed his question, but once I did the biggest smile lit up my face.

         "Yes!" Franky stood up, looking down at me with a quirked eyebrow.


         "I'd love to go on a date with you." He immediately wrapped me into his arms.

         "You don't understand how suuuuuper nervous that made me." I suppressed a giggle as I returned his affection.

"I'd never say no to you Frankenstein."

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