Kid x Chubby!Reader HC

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For Kid's birthday I decided to do some Head Canon's which I really don't normally do so:

(Also slight NSFW)

-Kid would be the type to love a curvier figure, plenty for him to grab on and love, Bonus points if you like to eat, this man loves his food.

-I see him being a pretty big ass guy, he'll love your body regardless as long as he gets some, but he especially loves the leg area

-Loves grabbing on your thighs/ass. Doesn't matter where you are or who your infront of.

-Stomach fat wouldnt bother him, he's aware that having a curvier partner comes with it and he just doesn't care.

-In secret he'd squish your face all cute like, but don't tell anyone about it.

-I don't see him handling a s/o insecurities very well. If asked to name the things he loves he wouldn't be able to, but he'd show you how much he loves you through actions.

-Stretch marks/ cellulite doesn't bother him in the slightest. Would trace your marks with his fingers absentmindedly.

-You are NOT too heavy for him, if you even insinuated it he'd go great lengths to prove you wrong. Sit on his lap, face, let him pick you up. He'll prove his strength, trust.

-Will not be embarrassed to be seen with you. Will show you off to anyone and everyone.

In conclusion if Eustass Kid loves you it doesn't matter what you look like. He's a cranky man with a sweet heart :)

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