Spend Time With Me-Kinemon x F!Reader

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      "Breast band woman!" I sighed as I came to a halt.

       "For the last time my name is Y/N." I closed my eyes as I tried my best to keep my calm.

        "I need your assistance!" He announced with more enthusiasm than I cared for. He annoyed me greatly, but a part of me enjoyed his presence regardless.

         "With?" I put my hands on my hips as I waited to hear whatever stupid thing he needed me for.

"My Kimono is ripped and I need you to use your sewing genius to fix it." I raised my eyebrow as I looked him up and down.

"Where?" He looked around frantically, almost nervously.

"Um uh....dammit I didn't think this far!" I squinted at him.


"You will spend time with me!" He pointed his finger in my face, which was enough to piss me off under normal circumstances. However, now I was just confused.

"What the hell are you talking about? Spend time with you for what? What do you want Kinemon?" I raised my voice slightly, trying to force him to make some sense.

"Just do it!"

"Don't you have a son to be taking care of? Where's monopoly?"

"His name is Momonosuke and you will spend this afternoon with me!" He demanded once more and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, but you better have something planned because I'm not going to sit around on my ass bored." He smiled triumphantly as he turned on his heels, heading the opposite direction of me. I followed curiously, he seemed to have something planned, but he was a strange man so I wouldn't doubt if he didn't.

I followed him curiously as we stepped off the Sunny. We were docked at an island to stock up on supplies. He led me past many buildings and restaurants, not even stopping to look at a single vendor. My curiousity continued to grow as we exited the small town.

"Kinemon." He hummed, letting me know he was listening, "Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere I think you'll enjoy." His voice lacked it's usual energetic, silly tone. I began to get nervous, what the hell could he possibly want from me?

"We're here!"

"Oof" He stopped suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughys as I crashed into his back.

He turned to look at me as I fixed myself, smiling at the sight of me. His smile made butterflies erupt in my stomach and heat creep onto my face. I almost forgot about my earlier curiousity. Almost.

I looked around his much larger frame to see a cliff, it was pretty bare and plain. Though, the longer I looked, the more beautiful it got. The wind was blowing gently and the sky had already gone dark. You could see the stars perfectly from here and the ocean too. The grass looked soft as it swayed and there was no one else in sight.

"Kinemon...this is.... beautiful." I hadn't even noticed how my hands gripped at his kimono as I stared in awe. Who knew a small island like this had such a beautiful view?

I had also failed to notice that while I was staring at the view, Kinemon stared at me. He stared at the way my face lit up at something so simple. He observed how my breathing had deepened and the way my hair flowed in the wind.

"You're beautiful." He spoke mindlessly. I turned to look at him with shock.

"Wha- mmmf!" Before I could even process what was happening his lips were on mine in a firey kiss and my brain fogged over. I couldn't think a single coherent thought as his warmth seeped into my skin. His hand was pushing at the back of my head, holding me in place. I slowly closed my eyes, relishing in the feeling of his lips on mine.

I brought my hands up to hold his face, standing on my tip toes to try and help with the great height difference. My feet and neck were hurting, but he was kissing me so passionately I didn't want to stop. He must have been thinking the same thoughts as he gently laid me down on the soft grass. His lips still refusing to leave mine. My lungs burned as I was only able to get quick breaths between each kiss.

"Kinemon." I mumbled against his lips and he pulled away. His eyes bore deeply into mine as he caressed my head lovingly.

"Yes Y/N?" I smiled as I gently pecked his lips again.

"You said my name." He chuckled as he kissed my now swollen lips again. Holding me in his arms as if he was afraid of what might happen if he let go. I inhaled his scent, wondering if this was the only time that I'd get to have him like this.

Woah! Since when do I write so beautifully?

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