I'll Settle-Ace x F!Reader

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*Hades Ace


"Shhh! Ace! You're gonna get us in trouble!" I tried to hold the stumbling man still as he giggled. We were docked at an island, but Ace and I were ordered to stay on the ship. Though Ace never truly listened to what he was told to do.

"Come on, stop being such a stick in the mud." His arms snaked around my waist as he looked me in my eyes, "Why don't we have some fun? Hmm?~" He gave me a smirk as his hands slided down my waist grabbing handfuls of my ass.

"No! Ace! You're drunk! You don't know what you're saying!" I pried his hands from my butt as my face exploded into a bright red color. "Come on, I have to get you back to the ship."

"I don't wanna! If I *hiccup* go back I'll have to sleep. I don't wanna sleep." As he said that, his eyes started to close.

"No! Ace stay with-" he collapsed ontop of me and I let out a yelp. My back was slammed against concrete causing my head to explode with pain. "Shit!" I looked down to see Ace's face smooshed in between my boobs. Loud snores came from the heavy man as I let out a defeated sigh. "There's no way I'm moving him."

I was beyond annoyed to say the least, but at the same time his face in my chest was making me a whole other level of hot. His words from earlier echoed in my brain.

"Why don't we have some fun? Hmm?~"

"Ugh! Stupid Y/N! He's drunk! He doesn't mean that!" I repeated the word stupid through mumbles as I tried to get the dirty thoughts to stop.

Ace groaned as he pushed his face deeper into my breasts and I felt like I would die if this continued any longer. Luckily it was the middle of the night, so no one was out. I don't know what I would do if someone saw this embarrassing scene.

"Ace!" I shook him with all my might. "Ace wake up!" I continued shaking him, pulling his head from my chest to try and shake him into consciousness. "Ace!"

"Wha-" His head shot up so fast it startled me. "What? Where am I? Who are you?" He squinted, trying to make out my face.

"It's Y/N you idiot!" I smacked his head, "Now get off of me!" He nodded as he stumbled to his feet, still incredibly intoxicated.

I stood, wiping off my pants. "We need to get back to the ship." I started walking and I heard his hiccuping self following behind me. He continued behind me without a word and it was starting to worry me. "You ok?" I stopped and turned to look at him, he just yawned and nodded.

"Mm sleepy." I shook my head as we continued down the path to the docks.

"Don't fall asleep on me again. We're almost there." Although I was annoyed, I spoke gently. I still held a great deal of love for the idiot, but sometimes I just couldn't handle our friendly status. I wanted more, so much more, but I was afraid if I told him how I feel, I'd lose him completely. I would rather suffer in silence than him hate me forever. I don't think I could bare that pain. "We're here." I turned to see him staring at me with an emotion I couldn't identify, I wanted to ask, but more than anything I needed to get him in bed.

"Come on big boy." I hooked his arm around my neck and we stumbled up the ramp that lead to the deck. "Just hold on a little longer."

Ace was beyond lucky, he had his own room. His own stuff. He didn't have to share anything with anyone he didn't want to. I had to share a room with all the females and men that werent commanders or the captain. Yes,
the men and woman were mixed together in rooms, but nothing weird ever happened. Everyone just respected each other, that's one of the many things I loved about this crew.

"Alright, here we are." He immediately threw himself onto his bed and I made sure to tuck him in. He was going to feel like shit in the morning, so I wanted to make sure he was at least comfortable. "I'll see you tomorrow Ace." I swept his hair out of his face and fought the urge to kiss his forehead.

I turned away to leave, but he caught my hand, stopping me from leaving.

"Stay." He whispered. I turned to look at his pouting face.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"Stay with me." He squeezed my hand, "Please." My heart melted at his request, one part of me didn't want to for it would be incredibly awkward the next morning, but I couldn't deny his request as he continued to pout at me like a child who just lost their puppy.

"Ok, I'll stay." I sighed in defeat and he smiled gently as I crawled in next to him. His arms immediately found their way around my waist, pulling me into him so he could nuzzle into my neck. I felt him take a deep breath in and sigh.

I played with his hair as he rested on me and his warmth seeped into my veins, warming me more than I already was.

"Goodnight Ace." I kissed his head, this time not even bothering to resist the urge.

He responded with loud snores that would bother me under normal circumstances, but this was Ace I was talking about. The man I was so deeply infatuated with, the person who intrigued me more than anything else. The only one that could make me flustered with dirty remarks and flirty comments. I could deal with all his little imperfections, because I love him.

"I love you." I whispered, maybe one day I could gather the courage to tell him when he was awake and sober, but for now I'll settle for this.

I always write him with cuddling scenarios because I love that idea, but next time I'll do something else. Also, I'm having a really rough time mentally so there might be a lot of updates because writing these honestly puts me in a better mood<3

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