Emotional Support-Platonic! Chopper x G/N!Reader

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         You sat holding the railing, staring at the water below as the Sunny sailed effortlessly. Letting out a sigh you closed your eyes, trying to get your growing sadness to disappear.

         You heard tiny footsteps in the distance but ignored them until they got closer and your curiosity forced you to turn around.

          "What's wrong Y/N? You seem sad..." The tiny reindeer pouted curiously behind you. With a huff you turned back to look at the water.

           "Everything.......and nothing." He plopped himself beside me, kicking his little hooves through the railing.

          "That doesn't make any sense." He giggled. You felt yourself feeling just a little better by his presence alone. If ever in need of a smile you can always go to Chopper. He was adorable without even trying and he was funny more times than not.

          "Could I hold you for a little while? Maybe that will help." He cuddled with Robin often so it wasn't an odd request and he was happy to oblige. Especially since you were feeling down.

         "Of course!" He jumped into your arms, giving you a big squeeze. Tears started streaming down your face, you tried as hard as you could to hold them in, but it was all for not.

         Droplets landed on Choppers head, making him look up. At first he thought it was starting to rain, but at soon as he looked at your tear soaked face he knew he needed to hold you tighter. Squeezing with you all his might, he stayed in your arms as you allowed the tears to fall.

          "I don't even know what's wrong. I'm just sad." You stated, trying to find a way to justify being so emotionally weak.

           "It's ok. Crying is a good thing sometimes." He reassured you. It was silent after that. The only sound being your sniffles and the ocean waves hitting the side of the ship. Chopper didn't dare utter a word, trying not to make you feel embarrassed in your moment of vulnerability.

          "Thank you Chopper." You finally said after your tears had calmed. Your breathing was still steadying, so he sat down in your lap. Allowing you to hold him like a stuffed animal.

           "That's what I'm here for." He giggled. A smile crept onto your face at the adorable deer in your lap.

           Silence washed over you two once more as you enjoyed his warmth and he made sure you had fully calmed down. While it's true he wasn't as well versed in emotional needs, his doctor knowledge was mostly physical, he knew he could be a great emotional support for you in your time of need. That's what friends are for after all.

          "Do you want to come with me to see what Sanji is making for lunch?" He turned to see the smile on your face, he felt a surge of relief that he was able to make you feel better.

          "Yeah!" He jumped up and took your hand in his. "I hope he is making cotton candy for dessert." He drooled at the thought of the delicious pink cloud.

          "I hope so too. You deserve it." He got flustered from the praise, but decided not to call you names since you had only just felt better. It didn't stop his cheeks from burning a bright pink though.


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