I hate this-Katakuri x G/N!Reader

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Soulmate Au!

*Katakuri POV*

        A sharp pang shot through my chest as I tried to keep my composure. I hoped that the pain would subside, but it continued to pound at my ribcage and my breathing sped up.

        "Big brother are you ok?" Looking down I saw Brulee staring at me with big, concerned eyes.

        "I'm fine." I turned my head to focus on the meeting we were having, still fighting with my senses at the horrible feeling in my chest. The sinking feeling of sadness and pain overtook me. Swirling inside of me like an uncontrollable tornado.

         Normally, emotions like these didn't bother me, usually I barely felt them. The problem was these weren't my feelings. My soulmate, whom I wanted so desperately to comfort, was somewhere in the world having to deal with the same pain I was feeling, but probably on a much worse scale. Every bone in my body told me to get up and leave, to find my person, but I couldn't. Mama wouldn't be very pleased with me if I did something that rash and my loyalties lied here, with my family. No matter how much emtional turmoil my soulmate was feeling at the moment.

           When the family meeting came to a close, I holed myself up in my room. I hated this. Of course I wanted my soulmate. I wanted more than anything to be loved unconditionally by the person who was made specifically for me, but I know I don't deserve it. They would just leave once they saw my face anyways, no matter how "unconditional" their love was supposed to be.

            A knock came at my door, it was time for my merienda, but for the first time I wasn't excited for it. Not in the slightest.

            "Please enjoy your donuts master Katakuri!" The chefs bowed as they left me alone with the pastries. My transponder snail started to ring as I began to eat my donuts, causing me to groan.

             "I hate this."


            I attempted to control my sniffles as I continued to sweep the floor. I wasn't able to contain my tears as they slid across my face, drumming when they hit fhe floor.

            I hate this.

            A voice ripped through my depressing thoughts, one that wasn't my own. I looked up to see if someone was around, but it was just my imagination. Somehow, the voice brought me comfort. My breathing began to slow as I gathered up the strength to continue sweeping. The chore that was so unkindly thrown at me.

            It wasn't fair. Why was I always the one to be treated like garbage? I hadn't done anything wrong so why me?

            I dumped the dirt I had collected into the bin and put away my supplies.

             "Y/N!" My boss called as I finished putting away my things.

              "Yes?" I tried my best to put on a sweet smile, when in actuality all I wanted to do was continue to cry my heart out.

               "The dishes need to be done..." She stopped to take in the room I had just finished cleaning, scrunching her nose at me in disgust. "You did a terrible job. When you're done with the dishes you'll come back here and do it again."

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