🍋Modern!Kid x F!Reader🍋

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    "I can't stand you! You're always such an asshole for what? Why Kid?!" You yelled. The blood boiling away in your veins as your brain tried desperately to calm itself, but to no avail. He had been pushing your buttons for months and today it finally came to a breaking point.

       He stared down at you, the slightest hint of surprise on his face. His nostrils were flared, teeth clenching as he held himself back from losing it on you.

       "I can't believe this!" You threw your arms up into the air as you went to turn around, but he grabbed you.

        "You can't just fucking lose your shit on me then leave. What the fuck Y/N?!" His face was close enough to where you could feel his ragged breathing against your face. It pissed you off even more.

        "You've been trying to get a rise out of me for months and then you do, and now I'm the problem? Go fuck yourself Kid!"

        "I've always been an asshole, Y/N. I ain't gonna change just to keep your panties out of a twist!" The anger continued to boil away at you, you swore you could feel the steam rising from your skin.

       "Not like this! You're always targeting me! If you hate me so much then why the hell do you keep me around?" The two of you were currently arguing in his garage. He was always working on his car after work and from time to time you would join him. Most of the time the other guys were here as well, but today it had just been the two of you. Of course, Kid took that as his que to be a complete dick to you as always. You didn't even know why you hung around him. "You know what! I'm leaving. Bye, Kid."

        "Where the hell do you think your going?!" His voice had progressively increased in volume.

          "To Killer's house." You stated, that was going to be the end of it....until a very visible tick mark appeared on his forehead. Internally you hit a nerve, "I'll go cuddle up in his big strong arms and tell him how much of an ass you've been to me." His eye twitched and you knew you fucked up.

         "Like hell you're gonna go cuddle up with Killer. You're stayin here!"

          "I'm a grown ass women and I'll do as I please!" You began to twist the handle as the door was slammed shut.

          "I said, you ain't leavin!" You turned around to face him, your entire body felt like it was on fire.

          "Let me go Kid, you can't trap me here with y-"

           His lips were on yours before you could even finish your sentence, pressing you into the door. His hands harshly grasped at your hips, pulling you up. You hestitated as his lips possesively claimed yours. Hands diving into his hair and pulling harshly as you kissed him back.

             He groaned into the kiss as you tugged at his hair and scratched at his arms. He forced his tongue into your mouth as one of his hand came up to grope your left breast. His lips left your mouth, angrily biting into your neck.

           A gasp left your lips at the rough treatment. You felt a smirk pull at his lips as he continued to bite and suck at your neck. A very prominent bulge driving into your intimate area.

          Mewls and moans left your lips as he marked the skin on your neck. His hands gripped your ass cheeks as he carried you to his desk. Wiping everything onto the ground and setting you on top.

          He ripped at your top and bra, disgarding the ripped up fabric onto the cement floor.

          "H-Hey! Don't rip my clothes!" Your nails dug into his shoulders, keeping him from attacking your flesh once again.

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