Admiration- Coby x F! Reader

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*Y/N pov*
My arms ache and my legs feel like sticks, but I continue to push myself. Punch after punch, kick after kick. Its late out, I should be sleeping, but a certain pink headed man won't leave my thoughts.
"Fuck!" Placing my hands on my knees, I attempt to steady my breaths. "Still not strong enough!"
I think back to all the times I had watched Coby train from a distance. It started out as curiousity. How such a small weak chore boy expected to be a navy admiral, was beyond my imagination.
After months of watching him grow stronger, however, I realized his sheer will power and determination would get him to his dream. I started to watch him more often train with Helmeppo, Garp, and even by himself.
I've been in the Navy for far longer than him and he's already caught up to me, at first I envied him. An ugly green jealousy crashed through my veins every time I saw him all buddy buddy with captain Garp, but more recently it's started to feel warm. When he says hi to me in the halls with that ever sweet smile, butterflies erupt in my stomach.
Standing straight I make my way back to my quarters, finally having caught my breathe. I've decided that I'm going to be like him, I want to be strong willed and determined just like he is. This sickly warm feeling must be admiration for Coby. Yes. Admiration, that's it.
So lost in my thoughts, I fail to notice the wet of the floor. "SHIT!" Scrunching up my face, I prepare for the hard ground to hit my already aching muscles, but....I never hit the floor.
Opening my eyes I see the one person keeping me out this late. "Y/N, are you ok?" He pulls me up gently, placing both hands on my shoulders to make sure I'm steady. "You should be more careful, if I wasn't here you would've hurt yourself!"
I feel my cheeks grow warm, dammit why do they get so warm? "Oh um thank you... Coby." Awkwardly shuffling on my feet, I risk a glance at him.
"It's no problem, are you going back to your quarters? I can assist you!" He smiles, that type of smile that has my heart racing a million beats per minute.
"You really don't have to, I'll be fine." I try to muster up a convincing smile, but he decides to walk with me anyways.
"So, what's got you up so late?" He sounds nervous? I look over to see him squeezing his hands behind his back. He has always been shy after all, I don't know why this gives me a sort of....hope?
"I was training..." Why was I so embarrassed about something we are supposed to do? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
"This late?"
"Yeah, I want to be stronger like-" I stop myself, would it be weird if I told him outright? Probably not, I decide, he is very hardworking after all. "Like you." It comes as a whisper, but I can tell he hears me, because suddenly he stops. "Coby?"
"L-like me?" I can see the sweat forming on his forehead, hands waving franticalling in front of him, "I'm nothing special Y/N! At least not yet..." He looks at the ground embarrasedly.
"You ARE special Coby! You came here so scrawny and weak-"
"Hey I-"
"But you continued bettering yourself despite that, you work so hard for your dream and I find it encourages me to work harder, too! Everytime you've gotten knocked down you get up and I admire that. You're....You're very special Coby. At least to me..." Realizing I had been ranting, my whole body grows exponentially hotter. I want to apologize or to laugh it off, but I decide to keep my stupid mouthh shut this time.
I can tell it takes him a while to gain his composure, but when he does, he gives me one of those heart warming smiles, "I'm glad I inspire you Y/N," In the dimly lit hall, I can still tell he's blushing, "I admire you as well, you're always so nice to me. Even when I was 'scrawny and weak' and truth be told I think you're very strong as well."
He looks away, too embarrassed to look into my eyes. I feel a mile creep onto my face, suddenly I let go of all my denial. Could he feel the same way too?
"Look at me."
"..." He slowly faces me, awkwardness taking over his features.
"I love you!" I turn and walk into my room not even bothering to look at his reaction. Once inside I flop onto my bed. Squishing my face into my pillow, I let out dumb girlish giggles, "Oh Coby! hehehe"

*Coby's POV*
"I love you!" My brain freezes, mouth falling open in utter awe. Face and heart feel like their burning. Did she mean it?
"I-I lo-" She's gone......damn that's so embarrassing!

Coby is adorable, but I feel like no one ever talks about how hard working he is. Like, I know we don't see him often, but it's obvious he puts in the hours.

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