Book Store-Sabo x G/N Reader

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This is a modern AU


    Robin and I chatted as I slid books onto shelves. Robin is my boss, but it never really felt that way. She treated me with equal respect and always made great conversation.

    The bell above the door rang and I made my way to the front desk to help whoever.

    "Aaaaaace! Give it back!"

    "Get it back yourself shortstack!"

    "Knock it off, we're in a book store. You could knock something over!" I heard their voices before I even saw their faces.

    "What a joy it is to see you three." I joked.

    "Sorry Y/N, we'll be in and out." Sabo said politely, still in between Luffy and Ace to make sure they didn't break anything.

    "It's fine, I really do enjoy when you come in." I sat at the desk and started getting ready, "Believe it or not, not many interesting things happen in book stores."

    He chuckled, "I can imagine! Still, we'll be out of your hair soon." He smiled sweetly as they set off in search of what they needed.

    I felt a blush forming on my face, but I ignored it. This happened everytime Sabo came in and spoke with me. He mostly came by himself, but sometimes he was burdened with watching his crazy brothers.

    I didn't mind Ace and Luffy, in all honesty I found them entertaining, but I liked when he came by himself more because he always lingered to converse with me.

    Robin always made sly comments about my crush on Sabo, I always say next time I'll ask for his number, but ultimately I get too nervous and just wish him a good day.

     "Alright, this should be it." He put the books he needed, most likely for college, on the table and I started to scan them. His brothers made their way outside to wait for him.

    "You're total will be 95.83." He swiped his card as I bagged his stuff. "Have a good day." I smiled as I handed him his things. Our hands momentarily touching, making my face grow even hotter.

    "Actually, I wanted to talk to you." He leaned over the counter slightly, his finger drumming on the smooth surface. "I wanted to know if you'd be interested in going on a date with me."

     I stared at him wide eyed, probably looking like an idiot. "I-if you want to I mean." He slowly started to lose his composure and I snapped out of my daze.

    "No! I'd love to Sabo." His face grew red as a smile stretched onto his face. "Actually, could I have your number?" I was less shy now knowing he was also interested in me.

    "Yes, of course!" I handed him a notepad and pen. He scribbled down his number and handed it to me. "When do you get off work?"

    "At 4:00."

   "Ok, I'll call you later!" He waved as he made his way out the door. Immediately having to break up a fight between Luffy and Ace. It looked like they were fighting over some sort of jewelry. I giggle watching a still red faced Sabo fuss at his brothers.

    "Today sure did take a nice turn." Robin walked towards me with a cup of tea in her hands.

    "Yes, it really did." I smiled watching Sabo finally drag his brothers out of view. The butterflies in my stomach still going crazy from the tiny interaction I got with him today.

I'll do more Sabo and Ace one shots, don't worry.

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