Nice Pervert-Shachi x F!Reader

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Ikkaku is a female member of the Heart Pirates if you didn't know. I think she is the only one, but I could be wrong.

*Y/N's POV*

     Ikkaku gently brushed my hair as she rambled about something stupid Shachi and Penguin had done, but what she didn't know was how red my face was becoming every time she mentioned Shachi's name. I loved her to death, but she was quite oblivious.

      "And then Penguin had the nerve to blame me, as if Captain Law would believe that idiot over me. Honestly, I'm so glad I have another women on this crew. Without you I feel like I'd die of stupidity overdose." I giggle lightly at her comment.

      I was also really relieved to know there was another women on this crew when I joined. Sure, that mean's sharing a room, but Ikkaku never invaded my privacy and was an all around amazing roomate.

      "Ugh, sorry about my ranting, but I just can't believe those idiots and to think I expected better of those perverts." I smile spread onto my face thinking about one ginger haired pervert in particular.

       "Yeah." I sighed as she ran her fingers through my hair to make sure she got all the knots out.

       "Ok! I'm done!" She sat beside me, handing me the brush.

        "Do mine next!" Since she had such curly hair she made sure to wash it before coming in here and demanding we had a girl bonding moment.

       "I love your hair Ikkaku, it's so pretty." She let out a little squeek of excitement to have another subject to talk about, she was the most talkative person I knew, but I enjoyed it. Especially since I myself was more reserved.

      "I know! Sometimes I hate how much maintenance it takes, but I'm soooooooo happy to have my hair type it's so..." She continued to rant as I made sure to be extra gentle with every knot.

       I started to zone out a little, thinking of my crush on Shachi. When I found out I had feelings for him I tried to push them deep down into the furthest parts of my heart, so I could just ignore it, but the more I ignored it the more intense they got. It's to the point where I can't sleep unless I make up some romantic scenario of him in my head.

       "Y/N? Are you listening?" I heard the pout in her voice.

       "Oh, I'm sorry I guess I zoned out a little. What was that?" She turned around fully to face me, even though I wasn't done with her hair.

      "You've been spacing out a lot lately whats wrong?" She grabbed my face and started squishing my cheeks while staring at me, obviously concerned. I knew when she noticed something was off she would act this way. She cares a lot for me and everyone on this crew. She truly was too good for this world.

"Nothings wrong, I'm fine. Really!" I tried as best as I could to convince her, but I could tell she didn't believe me.

"Hmmmmmmm, nope. Tell me the truth." I gulped, I've never admitted aloud the I liked Shachi, but I trusted Ikkaku enough to confide in her.

"Ok, but you have to swear not to tell anyone." I looked away sheepishly, my face a bright cherry red.

"Cross my heart and hope to die. Now spill!" She finally let go of my face, resting her hands on her crossed legs as she waited for me to tell her everything.

"Well for a while now I've kinda.....had maybe a tiny little crush on Shachi." I screwed my eyes shut as I knew what was coming.

*GASP* "NO!" I opened one of my eyes to peek at her expression. She looked utterly shocked, "How did I not notice?!" She slapped her forehead, "It was so obvious. Ugh, I can't believe myself."

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