I'm done-Kid x G/N!Reader

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ANGST WARNING!!!! This won't be fluffy and happy, so if you arent ready for some angsty shtuff then this oneshot isn't for you.

         With a grunt he flopped down beside you on the bed. He had gotten what he wanted from you so that was it, as always you were expected to stay and then pretend like nothing happened in the morning.

          Tears pricked at your eyes as you weighed out your options, you didn't want to stay here another night crying silently as he slept peacefully, without a care in the world, but at the same time if you up and left you might never get to be close to him again like you were now.

         The feeling of being used crushed your heart, being with him was painful. Wouldn't it just be better to cut your ties here and move on? He didn't want anything more than a fling, that you knew. If he wanted more he would've said so by now, so why stay? Nothing will ever change if you stayed. So with a heavy heart, you got up and started dressing yourself.

        You heard him move around, the feeling of his eyes on the back of your head ingraved itself into your mind.

        "What the fuck are you doing?" He mumbled with hints of exhaustion.

        "Leaving." You tried your best to keep your voice steady so he didn't hear you cry. If Eustass Kid saw you cry, it would be the end of you. Weakness was something that disgusted him beyond belief.

       "Why?" He asked, no, more like demanded. I heard the sheets ruffle as he sat up. I slipped on my shoes and made my way to the door as he glared at me. My heart broke more and more with each step I took.

      "I can't do this any more Kid." A rebuttal was forming it's way on his lips but you hurried through the door, hoping that would be the end of it. Tears continued to stream down your face in big, ugly clumps as you tried to hold yourself together until you got into your room. The salty night air leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.

      You heard stumbling behind you and tried to walk faster. This isn't what you wanted. You couldn't find the strength to fight with him right now.

        "Y/N!" He ordered and you reluctantly turned around. "What the fuck do you mean you're leavin?" He tried his best to ignore your tear soaked cheeks, in reality he knew this would happen. He knew he was hurting you with ever night you two spent tangled in the sheets together, but he was Eustass 'Captain' Kid. He couldn't allow himself vulnerability or weakness and that's what you were. A weakness. For some reason though, his heart hurt when you left the room. It felt like the world had stopped spinning and he felt sick with the knowledge of what was happening.

        "I can't do this with you anymore Kid! You use me however you see fit to please you and then you ignore me and act like I don't exist. I can't stand the fact that I love someone like you when you couldn't give a damn about me!" The tears started to grow heavier as the anger and resentment you held towards the red head finally surfaced. It had been building up inside you since the first night it happened, but you suppressed it in hopes he would care for you too.

        "You flirt with other girls in front of me and you act like I'm nothing but a nuisance. When I try to get closer to you you shut me out, but when you need to get your dick wet suddenly I exist. I can't do it anymore. I'm done." Kid's earlier frustration was replaced by the crushing weight of your words, you broke out into sobs and all he wanted to do was comfort you, but he couldn't. You ran away to your room and he knew he didn't deserve the luxury of getting to be near you anymore. He didnt deserve to comfort you or to hold you. He didn't deserve you and he knew that. He had always known that.

"Fuck!" He turned around to see a few crew members had woken up from the ruckus the two of you had caused, gawking at the scene in front of them. "What the hell are you looking at? I'll scoop your eyeballs out and feed them to the seakings!" He screamed as he stormed off to his workshop, deciding he would hole himself up as long as humanly possible to avoid the aching in his heart.

You left him and he couldn't do anything but suck it up and move on. He had no reason to be upset when this was of his own doing. He wanted this from the start didn't he? So why did it hurt so fucking bad?

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