Stupid Shanks-Shanks x F!Reader

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Italics means flashback

E/C= eye color


     "Come on Y/N! I was just joking! I didn't mean it!" I continued to glare at the red head across from me, he had been desperately trying to earn my forgiveness for the past two hours, he refused to leave me alone until I uttered the words I forgive you, but I refused.

     I spun on my heels and walked off, if I looked at his pouty face any longer I would surely crack.

      "Why do you always have to be such a flirt?" I glared at the redhead who had way too many women hanging off of him.

      "What? Are you jealous?" He gave me a lopsided smirk and I internally kicked myself for being too obvious.

       "As if I would jealous of meaningless women." I started to walk away as I heard his laughter, in my head I could imagine exactly how he looked right now. Head thrown back, tears peicking at his eyes as he laughs away to his heart's content. I, however, didn't find it funny.

       I heard his footsteps approaching as he placed his hand on my shoulder. Laughter slowly dying, at least the women were gone now.

      "Well, who am I supposed to flirt with? You?" I felt a pang in my chest at the way he suggested it, like it would be the lamest thing in the world.

        "Would that be such a bad thing?" I questioned, the anxiety in my chest growing as I looked at his joking face. To him this was amusing, to me this was heartbreaking.

        "Let's just say the meaningless women have better assets." He giggled as he started walking ahead of me, I was stuck where I was. He suddenly turned around to see why I wasn't following him. His face dropped taking in my sight. My entire body felt rigid, hands clutching desperately to hide my 'assets' as tears pricked in my eyes. "Y/N?"

         "Whatever! You can flirt with harlots all day for all I care! I'm done!" I stormed back to the ship, leaving him in his own confusion. Obviously, whatever he said wasn't as funny as he thought it was. Were you not joking with him? Had you been serious and he just missed the painfully obvious ques? Stupid Shanks.

          "Stupid Shanks." Benn slapped the back of Shank's head. Making the redhead wince in pain.

          "Leave her alone. It's obvious she doesn't want to speak with you." Shanks pouted like a kicked puppy, but Benn wasn't having it. "It's your fault anyways, nothing about that situation was funny, you dumbass." He scolded, but Shanks continued to mope about like he was the one who had been insulted.

          This continued for the rest of the day, Shanks trying to get me to forgive him and Benn slapping him when it got too annoying. Shanks the big bad yonko, pouting about something stupid he said to a girl. Who would've thought.

         It was nighttime now, but you couldn't sleep. Replaying the hurtful words in your head over and over. If it were anyone else who said them then it wouldn't have mattered, but it was Shanks. A yonko, my captain, my friend, and above all, the man I was deeply infatuated with. Yes, I was in love with someone totally out of my league and I was painfully aware of the fact that I would never be his first pick, so I didn't need to hear him confirm my thoughts. "I'll never be his first pick." I whispered as tears started to form in my eyes again.

            A gentle knock on my door pulled me from my thoughts. I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.

*Shanks POV*

            "Who is it?" I heard her smooth voice call out from the other side, I don't care what Benn says, I won't sleep until I figure out how to fix this. Whatever stupid thing I did.

             "It's me." I expected her to ignore me, or maybe even open the door just to punch me in the face. The door did open, but the hit never came.

              I took in her appearance, it was obvious she had been crying, her pretty face was red and her eyes puffy. Her hair was a mess, but she was still beautiful, even in such dim lighting.

               I didn't speak for a while, scared that if I opened my dumb mouth I'd make her cry again. She stared at me with those beautiful e/c eyes, tears starting to form again, but I tried to ignore the urge to hold her.

             "I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything I said. I'm sorry." She stared at me, expression never changing. I was scared maybe I had pushed her too far this time, maybe she could never forgive me for all the dumb shit I've done and said to her since she joined me.

             She opened the door slightly more and walked back to her bed. I took that as my invitation to come in. This was how it always went when I did something dumb. She would cry, I would apologize, she'd let me into her room and we would talk. The next day she acted like nothing ever happened, I wish she would just hit me. That would probably hurt less.

            I sat at the edge of her bed as she cradled her pillow in her arms, refusing to look at me. I could tell she wasn't mad at me anymore, but she was vulnerable. I shouldn't be the one with her when she's vulnerable, all I do is say stupid shit.

           "I don't want to do this anymore." I muttered. The anxiety growing in my chest, I tried to keep my usual happy go lucky attitude, but I just couldn't. I messed up again, and now she's upset and I'm not even of the status to comfort her properly.

           "What?" Her head finally raised off the pillow to look at me.

           "I don't want to hurt you and then act like nothing happened." She stared at me in confusion, in adorable confusion.

           "You want me to stay upset?" No. Anything but that.

           "No, I just...." After staring at her for a little longer, I decided to scoot closer. Taking her completely by surprise, I pulled her into a hug. Not a good one, as I only have one arm, but a hug none the less. She reluctantly reciprocated, wrapped her arms around my middle as she nuzzled her head into my chest.

          It felt like heaven to get to hold her, she was so soft and warm. I knew she wasn't weak, no one on my crew was, but right now she felt so fragile and I knew I couldn't hold it in anymore.

          "I love you." I allowed the words to slip from my lips as my hold on her tightened.

          She looked at me and smiled. God I love her smile. "You mean it?" She was blushing madly, hope sparkling in her eyes as she awaited my answer.

          "Yes. I love you and I'm sorry." She squeezed me tighter, I knew she could hear the fast paced beat of my heart as she laid her head back on my chest.

           "I love you too."

My boyfriend acts a lot like Shanks, so I think he is the easiest charcter to write about so far.


One Piece x  Reader One Shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang