Period Pains -Law x F!Reader

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*Y/N's POV*

"Y/N-ya? Are you ok?"

"Mmmmmmmmmm" I groaned, refusing to pick up my head. The light coming in from the doorway was pissing me off, as was everything else. "Close the door." I heard the gentle click of the door as it closed and Law's footsteps approaching my bed.

I had started my period this morning, usually I could suck it up and deal with it, but today my cramps were burning something fierce. That being said, I decided it would just be best to curl up underneath my sheets and pray to some period god that they went away.

The bed shifted as Law sat on the edge, being the oh so caring boyfriend he was, he was concerned for my change in attitude. I wouldn't normally lay in the covers the entire day grumpily.

"I need pain meds." I muttered.

"What's hurting?" He reached his hand out to pat the part of my head sticking out from the blanket.

"I'm on my period..." He let out an 'ohhh' of understanding as he stopped ruffling my hair.

"I'll be back." He calmly walked out the door, hopefully to get me medication. It surprised me how sweet he actually is when we started dating. It took a while, but eventually I got to see a completely different side of Law. One that was loving and caring and thoughtful, very much the opposite of his cold and grumpy appearance. Well, he was cold and grumpy, but he was also very nice too.

      Our room door swung open as Law walked in with arms full of items. He carefully placed everything on our bedside table, rummaging through things.

      "What are you doing?" My voice sounded more annoyed than I meant, but he didn't seem to take offense. A smile gracing his face as he plugged something into the wall.

      "I got you midol, water, a heating pad and chocolate."

       "Very stereotypical." I deadpanned. He placed the heating pad onto the bed and turned to me, raising an eyebrow.

       "Do you want to feel better Y/N-ya? Or do you want me to get Bepo to dispose of it?" I slowly slid my hand from under the blanket and dragged the heating pad towards my stomach.

       "Thanks." I looked down sheepishly as I sat up to take the medicine. Law let out a huff as he sat beside me and I started to guilt ebbing away at me. "I-"

      "Don't even." I glared at him as he interrupted me, but before I could voice my frustration he spoke again, "Lay down so I can hold you."


       "Lay down." His voice turned serious, sending a chill down my spine. I decided to listen to him instead of being bitchy about it.

       Once I had gotten comfortable with my heating pad, he laid down behind me. His hands wrapped around my middle, holding the heating pad into place as he spooned me.

       *Sigh* "What's wrong Y/N-ya?" I brought a hand to my mouth as I tried to muffle my crying.

        "You're just so nice!" Tears slid down my cheeks as my hormones continued to go crazy inside my body.

        "Are you seriously crying after bossing me around 5 seconds ago?!" He sat up as he glared at me, annoyed.

       "I know! I'm a mess!" I sobbed, clinging onto him.

       "Just go to sleep already!"

       *Sniff Sniff* "ok..."

This sounds so dramatic, but this is how I act on the first day of my period. So I don't think it's inaccurate.

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