Sunset-Luffy x G/N Reader

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I was laid out on the deck of the Sunny, enjoying the warmth of sun rays on my skin. The sea was calm today and so was everyone else. It was nice, but it got me thinking. Where's Luffy?

The only time Luffy was somewhat tame was when he was sleeping or hungry, I knew he was awake and we literally just ate, so he couldn't be starving.

I toyed with the idea of getting up for a while before deciding to actually get up and do something. Once I sat up and began walking around until I realized he was on the head of the Sunny, his usual seat. No one else is allowed to sit there but him or else he throws a fit.

"Hey Luffy, you ok?" I leaned on the railing beside him and watched his face as he turned to me. He looked lost in thought, which wasn't a common occurrence. I knew he wasn't a complete idiot, but it wasn't often he was so serious outside of fighting.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." He turned back to look at the ocean, seemingly done with the conversation.

"About what?" His cheeks started to get a pink tint to them.

"Nothing in particular." He looked away from me and made a face that told me he was so obviously lying.

I sighed, "You don't have to tell me Luff, but if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here." I started to walk away, I wasn't going to intrude on his business. If he didn't want me to know, then I simply won't know.

Even though I hated it, I wanted him to come to me with his worries. I wanted to be there for him constantly. I want to be the one he tells everything to and trusts. I didn't understand why, but I have this burning desire to be there always for him.

"Y/N!" As I turned around, I saw Luffy's hands flying towards me. My jaw dropped as I internally panicked, nothing good ever came from Luffy stretching his arms to grab you.

His arms wrapped around me and I cursed myself internally for getting flustered over it. I was pulled through the air at an alarming rate, sure I could swim, but that didn't mean I wanted to.

I thumped into him as he caught me and surprisingly we didn't go over board. I clung onto his shirt like a cat as I tried to calm my breathe.

"Shishishishi, you look so scared!" Way to state the obvious Luffy! I took a deep breathe and slowly relaxed, letting go of his shirt. Until I realized I was sitting in his lap and his arms were firmly around me, I started to internally panic again. Did he know where I was? Or did he just not care?

"Y/N." He called for me again, but he sounded serious all over again.

"Yes?" He took off his strawhat, placing it on my head. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, I knew how important this hat was to him. The only other person he allowed to wear it was Nami, so I knew if he gave it to you it was special.

"Stay with me. Forever." He ordered me. I stared up at him in awe. I knew we couldn't sit on the Sunny head forever, but I didn't want to leave either.

"Ok." I made myself comfortable in his lap, leaning my head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat. I relished in his scent, he must have bathed recently because he smells better than usual.

The sun was slowly going down in the distance and all I could think was how perfect this all felt. Deep down, I was hoping this wasn't a one time thing, but I decided to soak up every second of this just in case it was the last time.

I have a lot of halloween one piece drawings because I did them for inktober so be prepared for that.

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