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Two weeks later
After a lot of torture and violence, Aryan found out that Natasha is actually Johnny Reap's daughter. She was spying on him, on us, the whole time. I do not know what happened to her. Aryan told me that she was taken care of and that this is all I need and want to know. Everyone related to The Rapers in any kind got killed. I am not saying that I liked this but it was necessary.

Everything went completely fine for the past two weeks. I am feeling much better and my parents did not complain about my relationship with Aryan anymore. I moved back in with him and my parents are continuing with their business trips just like they did before all of this happened. We are still grieving over our daughter but it gets better, knowing we still have each other.

Aryan took me on a date last night. I do not know why he was so urgent about it but I was not going to complain either. I mean it is still a date with the love of my life.

I wake up from the familiar beams of warm sunlight shining on my face through the curtains in Aryans room. I turn to the side and he's - as always - already at work. Or so I thought.

As I turn to the other side to grab my phone I see a hand written letter with a little box sitting on top of it, lying on the bed. I furrow my eyebrows as I sit up and open it to read it.

My dear love,
Happy Birthday! I hope you had a good nights sleep. I won't be in New Jersey anymore by the time you read this. Last night's date was our last date for a very long time, which is why I was so urgent about it. I decided that leaving was overdue a long time ago. You went through so much the past year and you're only seventeen. My gang beat you up, you got kidnapped and almost raped and killed, you were pregnant and lost the baby because of a gang that was enemies with me and you were in a coma. It would be more than selfish from me to still keep you in my life. I can't endanger you anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love you. I love you more than I love myself. And that is why I need to leave. I need to get things straight first before I can take responsibility for entering your life again. Before I can take responsibility for making you my wife. I promise our time will come. But for now we have to keep this relationship in our memories. Promise me not to lose hope and promise me not to stop loving me because I never will be able to.
You are and always will be my forever. Whether it is in this or another life.

In love, Aryan

By the time I am done reading the letter, tears stream down my face and neck. I grab the little box and snap it open to reveal a beautiful silver ring with a blue, heart shaped diamond in the middle. I look at it in shock. Was he going to propose?

I immediately grab my phone and dial his number.

The number you have dialed is not available. Please make sure to check for any mistakes. If the number still appears to be unavailable, please try again later.

I scoff in disbelief and wipe my nose with the sleeve of my hoodie before I try again.

The number you have dialed is not available. Please make sure to check for any mistakes. If the number still appears to be unavailable-

Is he being serious right now? He can't just leave without any warning. Especially not on my birthday. I dial René's number and then Marco's but am met with the same message from the same female voice.

Panic is starting to rise in me. I take a look at the envelope and see another paper peaking out of it.

It is a form that informs me about Aryan's property, including the house and the office, as well as all of his belongings and bank accounts have been transferred to me. As I read along I spot a little yellow posted attached to the last page of the form.

I arranged everything with your parents and they were fine with it. See it as a recompense or birthday gift - whatever you think suits the situation more :)

He cannot be serious. I look around the room in hopes to spot any cameras but there is nothing. First he leaves me without saying anything and then he transfers his belongings to me as a fucking recompense? None of these terms 'suit the situation'. As a matter of fact, this is the worst 'recompense or birthday gift' I ever received.

I am furious. I get dressed and wash up and then I get in my car to drive over to the office. As I get in no one is there. It is completely empty. No workmen, no one from the inner circle, no trainees, not even security.

Then I drive over to René's and then Marco's house only to realize that they are abandoned as well.

My panic grows with every single evidence I find that they actually left. They left me here alone. All of them. I want this to turn out as a joke. I want it to end so fucking bad. Why can't we just be lucky and stay happy for once?

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