The boy in the mirror.

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The boy in the mirror.

(body image issues.)

Insuritys everyone has them. some people don't notice them or wish to ignore them, but they are there.

Camilo had a ritual for when his whole family were out of the house, the boy would stand in front of one of his room's 15 mirrors and point out everything he hated about himself, He's a cry for a bit, and feel sad for the rest of the day but other than that he would move on and go back to ignoring his feelings.

The day everything changed was no different to any other day Camilo was left alone in the house. The young shapeshifter would grab some food go upstairs, close his door so his sister couldn't hear him and then start picking at his insecurity.

This day was different however because when Camilo was closing his door he didn't notice it catch on a shirt in his doorway, preventing it from closing all the way.

Camilo stood at the third mirror, staring deeply at his reflection.

He'd gained weight.

The faded freckles on his face are ugly.

His signature smile was lopsided.

His eyes were a strange mix between green and brown.

Camilo listed off things he hated without any hesitation or thought, but there was one thing that stood out in Camilo's mind.

No one loved him for him, his gift the one thing that made him special was based around him not being himself.

Camilo spent an hour standing before his mirror, tears falling down his face.

He knew it had been an hour because Félix, Pepa, and Dolores had returned.

Camilo's mirror time, always left him crying so the boy hid in his room for a while before coming downstairs to greet his family.

Camilo knew something was wrong the second he walked into the kitchen, Félix, Pepa, and Dolores stared at him with extremely concerned expressions before forcing smiles and continuing what they were doing before the teenager entered the room.

"Yo, Camilo Julietta accidentally made too many Arepa's, you've got to have some, your skin and bones" Dolores smiled placing the tray of food on the table.

Camilo sat in between Félix and Pepa as everyone but him grabbed some food.

Camilo nervously picked up an Arepa staring at it before bringing it to his mouth nibbling on it.

"So what did you guys get up to when you were gone?" Camilo asked, trying to start a conversation to get the pressure off him.

"Chores, you know the usual" Pepa sighed, a rain cloud forming above her head.

"Mamì, you're raining" Camilo wined.

Pepa laughed at Camilo's tone, causing the cloud to disappear.

"Sorry, Mì Amorė" Pepa smiled as Camilo laid his head on her shoulders.

After Camilo complained about being in the splash zone of Pepa's raincloud everyone laughed, Causing Camilo to join in.

"There's that beautiful smile" Pepa whispered to Camilo, who hadn't realised that he hadn't been smiling the whole interaction, he'd forgotten to.

Félix wrapped his arms around his wife, knowing why the cloud had formed.

Pepa was worried Félix was too, when Camilo's door failed to close Dolores had heard every word that he said, every 'imperfection' that he pointed out and concerned Dolores went to her parents, telling them everything.

Luckily for everyone, Camilo hadn't noticed that the compliments were directed at the things he listed that he hated about himself.

Eventually, Dolores and Pepa left the room mainly to do their own things, since Camilo was noticeably tired.

Félix stayed, allowing his son to place his head on his lap.

Félix played with Camilo's hair as the boy struggled to keep his eyes open.

"You know kiddo, I've never noticed your freckles, your mamì has them too, they're very pretty" Félix complemented as Camilo fell asleep.

Two hours, Camilo slept for two hours on the family sofa.

Abuela wanted to wake him up but Pepa explained what was going on, not only two her but to Isabela.

Camilo opened his eyes, waking up, he momentarily forgot that he fell asleep but then he remembered what his dad had said to him.

Before Camilo could think more about why everyone was being so nice to him, he felt a light tugging at his sleeve.

Camilo looked up to see Isabela who wore a large grin, Camilo then looked down to see Antonio.

"Cami, will you please play hide and seek with us?" Antonio begged.

With a roll of his eyes, Camilo nodded agreeing to play.

Isabela was the seeker meaning that Antonio and Camilo had to hide.

Not really wanting to play, Camilo hid under the sofa, being found within seconds.

"Any idea where Antonio hid?" Isabela asked.

"Nope, and even if I did I wouldn't snitch" Camilo scoffed.

"Come on Camilo at least try to have fun yeah?" Isabela requested nudging his arm.

" let's check Antonio's room, I know when I was a kid I'd always hide under my bed," Isabela said running off, forcing Camilo to follow her.

Antonio wasn't under his bed, but he was however under Isabela's.

Camilo And Isabella walked around pretending to not know where the youngest Madrigal was hidden.

"Oh Camilo, I don't think he's here" Isabela lied as Camilo snuck up on Antonio.

"Found ya" Camilo chuckled, picking up Antonio who was laughing hysterically.

Antonio was covered in eye shadow.

"How did you even manage to do this" Isabela lightly scolded, as Camilo put the boy down.

"What even is that?" Camilo wondered.

"Eye shadow, which he doesn't need, his eyes are cool enough as they are, and so are Antonio doesn't your brother have the coolest eyes?" Isabela smiled.

"Yeah there really cool, they are two colours in one" Antonio exclaimed.

Camilo never put together all the compliments and him standing in front of his mirror pointing out his Insuritys were connected but he no longer felt bad about those things.

This was hard to write, I had to come up with things for Camilo to be Insecure about- Astro (I made up an eye thing lol) - Astro.

camilo angst one-shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin